hi hi :) well to start off nope! i didnt win tha talent show on saturday...just got a participation certificate, i didnt go shoppin wit my friend on sunday cuz her mom was trippin, had no choice but 2 go 2 a lil kid b-day party that was far from home (which was fun), and i was very helpful at my skool yesterday delivering roses and cupcake passes :3 that made my day 2 c tha smiles on there faces...my valentine wasnt there that day or even 2day...i think hes sick...a lot of ppl at my skool hav been gettin sick lately...so i hope mez valentine get better so i can giv him his card and fav candy ^////^ oh and i hope u all had a happy v-day! if not then *HUGS U* I WILL B UR VALENTINE IF U LIK XD hehe so any who i learned sumtin 2day......dont fwd skool work for computer anymore..why? well i shall tell u..2day in computer class i was complanin bout how i didnt do lik 3 to 4days of work 4 last wk that i need 2 send my teacher..so my friend who i fwd work to cuz she doesnt do her work..as always....got caught...she went to her email 2 find the fwd msg i sent her of work and sis mai caught her! yes she is a nun! not a nice one either but ok...at times.....so she calls the vice-principal down...he comes ova and talks to us. an we mak an agreement....to not fwd each otha work anymore and do our own work so anotha up-roar wuldnt occur...he said he wuld b checkin in on us 2 mak sure we r doin wat we agreed..we were lik ok. but here is wat got me...once he left for about a few minutes i call sis mai ova cuz sumtin was stuck in my keyboard and i culdnt type..so she comes ova and takes it out...then tells me this " u betta not fwd anymore work anymore or u will get ISS!that seven detentions u got that!" (aka for those that dont kno ISS is In School Saspendtion...bad thing) so rly she kind rly threatened me...of course i am black! i wuld hav gone off on her but i just stayed calm turned around and did my work...i mean i already hav her 4 italian...man wat a pain! i hope this wk turns out betta well ttyl4 now followers
Haha, it sucks that you got caught up in all that, but hey it was bound to happen. That's just what comes along with being an accomplice.