I got all i needed for my costume that morning. I dont know why i thought I had a grey skirt, but I only had a black skirt & black Dickies. I chose the skirt after asking so many people what to wear and if it was cold (I wouldn't care if it was cold because I loved the cold weather indeed) White button up top, my skully socks, black boots (got these like three Christmases ago an barely wear them, an its surprising that they still fit), my tie (my mom didnt know how to do it but she tried), and my cloak (I've had it since 5th grade & it still fits me) All was ready and we were off~
2nd Period: I was late, couldn't open my door at all to kargous room. He was like why dont you use your magic I said "Im too lazy plus I left my wand at home" He was blabbing about something, then got on Andre about being a hobo & how he would be transferring schools soon. Then Kargou told us why hobos sleep in the morning and not at night. Of course he's getting side tracked, thats good. But then we had a lot of work due Friday...I was in no mood to do all that tonight. No sir!
Then I heard Nicco (my play brother that graduated from MCA and is in the Air Force) on the intercom saying the pledge. Of course I wanted to dash out but i did that after we were let out! I tackled Nicco like crazy and told him how much i missed him so and took pictures with him.
3rd Period: We congratulated Mrs. Bailey on winning the faculty and staff costume contest, she was Tinker Bell. All we did class period was read about Hop Frog or Black Cat by Edgar Allen Poe then find some stuff...I forgot. But Jasmine made a resses cake and we ate it in class! It was so freaking good! That I was in the mood for a frito pie :)
4th Period: Saw Adriana in her Miku cosplay costume, Chris & Mayra as zombies cause of Franies glorious make-up skills are top notch! :D Sister gave us back our tests we all failed, then gave us more homework from the same page we did homework on last night. Which I half assed did since my calculator was being a pain! But at least I did the vocabulary.
Lunch: Just great! Mrs. G wanted to do a halloween costume parade but that wasnt happening WE WERE EATING! So we amused her by at least taking a group costume picture so we could be in the chance to win the costume contest. Nicco left around lunch time, i even took pictures of some people :)
Homeroom: We begged Mrs. Simien to put on a movie but instead she was showing us the slide show for Economics class while Franie, Mayra, and Chris were still being blooded up my Franies glorious expertise.
5th Period: We did no class work for we didnt want to! So we listened to the theme music to the Omen movie (I dont remember the year of the movie) while we did our focues. So we did Economics and Horror slide show, did a worksheet on the cost for horror movies, then a slide show on the History of Halloween.
7th Period: All class period we watched The Walking Dead Season 1 Episode 1, it was glorious! X3
After/Home: So to sum this up, I was with my uncle and we went to his moms house to chill until the kids uncle called back about trick or treating. So it was the Ellen show and Steve Harvey show for a while, but when my uncle left to get the kids I watched Jane Eyre (man i love this movie). The children came and so did Aunt Delisa & her daughter. Around 7pm we headed out to the uncles house in pearland....im really gonna shorten this! We walked around that neighborhood for about three hours, got (candy & ships), got back to step grannys house and ate chili dogs while watching Harry Potter & the Sorceer Stone, then back to my uncles house til my mom got off. Man im tired! Mom hurry up! I wanna go home! DX