Sunday, January 31, 2010

tiresome weekend

well my weekend was very busy. had to get my hair done, my nails done, and whatever else that made me look girly. blah! preformed at a talent show at 11am in tha morning ( i was so tired but mostly hungry). i played my best but didn't win, i thought "oh well im just hungry, i want food". i had food on tha brain. after tha talent show i got food, thank god. then i relaxed at home until it was time to go to the ball. i went and i never seen so many teenagers in one place; it was at tha george r. brown convention center, it was from 6:30pm til midnite. i danced 2 a few songs then got bored. my friend ditched me to go hang out with senior girls an dance, while i was stuck at tha table with two old ppl embarrassing their daughter like crazy. at least i had a little amuse meant besides me trying to hear my favorite screamo on my mp3 player. i was beggin for a screamo band to come crash the party but it never happened. boo-hoo. when it got close to 11:30pm i was ready to go. called my ride, ditched my friend, and left. happy to be home. then today laundry, homework, and a movie. watched harry potter and tha half blood prince. harry potter's ok but im waitin for PERRY JACKSON AND THE OLYPIANS THA LIGHTING THEIF. its awesome already read tha books :)

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Forgot to mention :)

i was on tv!!! me and my school, mount carmel academy!!! why? because it was a prefalge for our school to help a museum in galveston fix their sculptures that got messed uo in IKE the hurricane. we were the only school doing this, my art teacher was the nervous one of us all!!! me and other classmates had fun being in front of the camers. channel 2 and channel 13 came. i got about 5 lil interviews fronm both i think. they loved me. :) even the camera man was funny, he said "everyone has such pretty names but i got stuck with bill" an we all laughed. we hav a long way to go though towards cleaning these statues and repainting them. wish us luck. XD


well im still new to this blogging thing but i guess its ok. i made Japanese riceballs on sunday brought them monday and my friends loved it!!! then my friend jenny today brought a whole bunch of rice-balls! one had chocolate, one had marsh mellows, anfd one had ham. they were great. then in PE me and my friend swordsman found the breakers to the school and tha water heater!!! we had to jump over, boxes, an old water fountain and pipes to get to tha breaker!!! we didnt turn the lights of or nothin it was just a cool discovery, its lik the time we found an underground passage way in the school to get to the outside!! it reeked of dead cats :P

Sunday, January 24, 2010