Thursday, January 17, 2019

I'm Still Alive. Hello 2019. Let's Get Shit Done!

Hello all (mainly to the ones that still have a Blogger account or readers in general).

So even though we're on the 17th Day of January, I've had a lot happen.
But that's not why I'm posting today. I'm posting today to type up a Huge Ass To Do List that I want to complete this year! So here we go!

  1. Complete (or attempt) the writing/drawing challenge (I have made for myself for the whole month of January). You can find it here:
  2. Make payments again to Ai (I want to at least pay off $2,000.00 or more this year)
  3. Pay  off my Credit Card Bill ( I owe $1,000.00  + change )
  4. GET A NEW JOB! Work my ass off to pay things & keep going!
  5. Focus on me & do a good job of Journaling everyday!
  6. Go to my Doctors appointment this month & keep up with appointments there after.
  7. Attend Anime Matsuri & have a great time; set aside $500.00 or more for it ( I did already buy a Superpass last year.)
  8. KEEP READING! Whether it be a physical book or audiobook! Consume myself in it!
  10. Lastly, Not to Myself: There's nothing wrong with you! Be accepting of your sexuality & your personality. In the past a lot of people didn't' like you because your smart & your personality was so damn out there! Well screw them! BE YOU & BE PROUD! I'm an Ambivert, I can be a Sherlock & a John, my mood swings shift but I'll ride or die for my friends & keep them safe, & I'm not straight! Never will be! Though I was bisexual for years but figure out I was Pansexual in 2018. I've noticed all my life I like a person for there personalities & there talents or passions. Yes I like looks, but what's the point of looking beautiful or handsome if you have an awful attitude. Or that person is rude as hell or has a bad personality & isn't a good person. That's what I'll fall for, then looks. But love isn't on the table, focus on your goals. Paying shit off, getting back into college, get that degree, graduation trip, travel, internships, find a place to call home, & then adopt one kid. (This is my life goal, this last thing on the list.)

That's all I have to say for now, thank you for reading. ^_^