Wednesday, June 2, 2010

My computer is bein worked 2 death and so am I!!!

UGH!!!!!! i wuldnt say my summa is goin well but its becomin borin an tiresomme. my grandma and aunt hav been at our house or rly stayin ova 4 i think almost a week usin my computer to do work 4 a pageant their workin on. (my grandma and aunt hav been workin wit pageants 4 as long as i can remeba, i was in pageants since i was lil an i won 1st place every time but when i got older and into skool activities and sports i payed it no mind. i started 2 not care anymore 4 them, i mean i had a gud run its time 4 me 2 enjoy life. now they got my lil sis doin it, an it suits her well. well anyways tha only time i can get on here is when their taken a break an i usually cant do much cuz they hav 2 get rite bak to work. so all i do is check my email and watch a lil anime. now bout me bein worked. u kno how i said my moms friend ( her bf) went ova seas and was suppose 2 wipe my old computer clean but culdnt. thats y their usin my new computer i hav!!!! i usually get called by them almost every 5minutes or less!!! im use to my aunt callin me ever since i was lil she called me every minute 2 do sumtin 4 her cuz she culdnt. i felt lik a cinderella but wit no break at all!!! that wasnt tha only thing i needed 2 help them wit, i had 2 usually help wit tha tv cuz they didnt kno how 2 rly work it that well and when they were tired and it got late they wuld sleep in tha livin room an i had 2 put them a movie on and bring them blankets. but im rly use to it, but my annoyance standors has gottin high!!! rly wat im tryin 2 say my patience when i was lil was stable but now i get annoyed as hell so easy now!!! i wonder how much longer their gonna stay. so now u kno y i wasnt on blogger and if i dont get on witin 3days u kno y. oh an also i hav a plan towards gettin a new phone when tha old man returns ( my moms bf) well gtg. -_-

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