Tuesday, June 15, 2010

i found out why im so bored

ok u kno how u say boredom kills!!! well it does to me!!! but ssince i was thinkin about it i kinda figured out y im so bored. its becuz my life is borin!!!! im not sayin that everythin i do is borin im sayin im not doin anythin and wont do anythin 2 change it. im not doin anythin cuz i hav no money and plus i dont rly talk 2 ppl. u kno call them and ask them wat they r doin and if i can come along. cuz if i do that then how am i gonna get theiir? and how much will it cost? so rly i think my fun time has a price tag on it ova $40. ive been wantin 2 go 2 tha movies but mez hav no moneyand im doubtin if i try 2 find sumone 2 go wit they either cant mak it or to damn busy. well i just hope my summa gets a lil more funner!! i mean im havin fun at summa enrichment at skool but wat bout afta all that? wat will i do then? i do kno i hav anotha program 2 go to all july. so rly my whole damn summa is nu10 but work and no fun. then skool comes and that will suck more. =_=

1 comment:

  1. That sucks :(
    I hate it how I'm always so psyched for school to be over and for summer to start. Then, during summer, I get so freaking BORED!
