Thursday, October 23, 2014

Finishing Homework & Darn Hair

(Ocotber 23rd, 2014)

So I stayed up and watched this movie called the Covenant. All I got from reading the description on the back was warlocks, evil enemy returns, and everyone is good looking lol. The movie overall was good, but I did black out when it ended. I was sleepy.

So I woke up about 10mins right after Meld and Tartan left the house cause tantan woke me up earlier then my alarm an I was all like fuck it. But I didn’t leave the house right away. Made myself a nice breakfast first then caught an early bus to the train station. Once arriving at the school I had to find a good spot to sit at to do my work, which I did find one. But got kicked out for there was going to be a class in there so I went on the 3rd floor. (before that I bought some fruit, well tried but didn’t have enough change so a nice guy it for me. I felt bad for I didn’t want him paying it for me. But I said thanks anyways.) Worked for an hour. Took a break by catching up on Once Upon A Time. Back to work. Then another episode of Once Upon A Time. Then bought a Danish. Then went all out and finished the damn thing so I could watch Sleepy Hollow. Bought a bag of chips and watched episodes one and two of Sleepy Hollow then decided to head out for I was hungry and in the mood for a freaking shower. Plus it was time to take my hair down, wash it, then twist it. Went to the lounge first to grab some tea and rented out two movies I’ve never seen before. The movie SALT and Jack Reacher. When I was finished checking them out and heading outside I noticed Anthony had ordered pizza. I asked if there was an event going on tonight, he told me no. Saying the pizza were for the people who moved here just recently but the moving trucks left to early. Although, he did say I could stop by to get a slice of pizza or two. For there should’ve been some left over for there weren’t that many kids. I told Melsi about it when I got back to the apartment, she told me to snag her some for Anthony did she could have some. Then we talked about the new RA position being open and how there was only one. An I was just saying that if he didn’t hire more she would probably get more work, but Melsi is Melsi. An decided to argue with me saying it would never happen and he wouldn’t do that. While she was walking out I mumbled, “Of course he wouldn’t do that to you for you’re his favorite RA and there is a high possibility he has a huge crush on you since you like Zelda.” Thankful she didn’t hear me or we would’ve really stated something. While I waited til 6:15pm, I was trying to look for my damn white card that would let me enter the lounge. Couldn’t find the damn thing! So annoying! Had to knock on the door at the lounge. Now these damn kids were about to leave with the last fucking box! Yall niggas be eating! Was only ale to get two slices, a cup of Mountain Dew, and a short conversation with Sarah and Toni for I was still ungry and needed to do my hair. Once home it didn’t take me long to cook then finish eating, but took a life time taking a shower since I had to wash my hair. Now I was really hoping! Really hoping to finish twisting and combing out my hair before 12am. Guess what? I DID! Finished at 11:05pm! And boy were my hands freaking tired! They hurt so much from parting my hair and combing this thick hair of mines and twisting each one really fast. But most of all my legs hurt! Standing in the bathroom for more then an hour looking at the mirror trying to do my hair was very tiring =_=

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