Monday, February 17, 2014

Helping My Future Boss

Feb. 17th, 2014.

Attention: New Notice, Please Read
Okay so my blog is updated and the posts will be longer and most probably longer since I'm now more on blogging lol (idk). But I'm typing this because I would love for you all to not forget to read the posts for Feb 3rd -9th, 2014 and Feb 10th - 16th, 2014. I know they were posted late but they are up. An thank you again for being patient with me and for still reading. :)

I woke up early Monday (even though I don't have classes) so I could head to Small Cakes Cupcakery to help out and fill out a job application. Once I was there, Vegae (i think that's how you spell it but I'm just sounding it out in my head) working on the menu (she was painting it for the board was metal and you couldn't use chalk on it). I meet the nice lady or her name is Mrs. Latrisha (I remember her saying that when she was on the phone later on that day) and she told me what we would be doing that day. At first I was just standing there staring at people that were working on the electricity or just looked like buisness people. Eventually I helped her moves some metal tables from one closet (more like a metal fridge) to another. She told me when she gets the money she wanted to put three shelves in each closet. One closet would be for extra supplies and the other would be for cleaning supplies. Next came putting the shelves in this large two door fridge, I think we spent about 20 minutes on it til she called the people and told them that the shelves weren't sized right or something. The guy on the phone talked to Mrs. Latrisha like it was so easy to put them in and made it seem as though calling was pointless. So she eventually left to go buy a cord for the telephone in the shop, I swept (with the brooms I did go home to get from our closet in the apartment before we started cleaning) the front and the back of the store. There was also some stuff on the floor we couldn't get up so we decided next time when we have some cleaning stuff we would get it up (that is if it would come off the floor). So me and Vegae had to keep a look out for the Coca Cola guy and a camera guy named Sam. Sam came but no Coca Cola guy. I also figured out how to put the shelves in which was tiring for my hands, since I had to press the hook with both hands to get it into the metal sockets so I could put the shelves up. But it was all worth it. Mrs. Latrisha came back with cakes for us from Kroger since she was about to order pizza for us from Piggie Pies; she told Sam what pictures to take he even took a few of me being silly. I t was fun. Also I had to ask some workeres from another store where the dumpster was so I could trash all these darn boxes, it was a walk. I had to go all the way to the parking garage that was about five or six shops/resturants from us. An another thing, the camera guy Sam watches The Game of Thrones too! And he's excited for the new season as well! Then the pizza finally came after Sam left, it was very delicious, so was the cake. We even meet Jason or Jes who was in charge of something (I forgot) but he's important guy! Yet also funny to the point where I kinda wanna kick him lol. So for the rest of the time I was there Vegae finished some more of the menu and I dumped some more trash. We left around 4pm. I took the last two slices of pizza, Mrs. Latrisha said she wanted to see us tomorrow so I said I'll be here, and Vegae. So I'm almost back to the apartments and I noticed I left the brooms there, well we don't exactly sweep anyways lol. After I put the pizza in the fridge, I headed right back out to go talk to financial aid because I didn't understand why my payment went up. So I did go in, I meet a new lady (can't recall her name) but she asked me what I needed help with. I told her, she gave me a bread like pastry (it was kinda dry, i imagined it more moist), and she told me to come back tomorrow for they couldn't pull my file for someone took it out, most possibly my financial aid officer. So heading hhome, showered, ate something, drew a picture, and then  got in bed. Thing was I couldn't sleep cause I had a dry throat and I was coughing again. Ugh. Melissa came home, asked if I was alseep, I told her no. I told Melissa that I wanted to rearrange the room cause sleeping by the window with the cold hair is probaly making me sick. She told me that was crazy and said we couldn't rearrange the room. I asked her why not? She got the ruler and started mesuring our bed and the dresser, saying it wouldn't work this is to big or this is llonger than that. I told her Renee rearranged her room! She kept coming at me how Renee and Sarah's room was larger than ours. That's when I snapped at her, I told her I would just ask Renee to help me rearrange the room when she wasn't here. Thats when she grabbed her stuff, I said come on your not seriously mad at me? She told me ys and slammed the door. I don't think she's sleeping in the room tonight, I had no time for her hissy fit cause I suggested something and decided to stand up for my opinion on things. I didn'y have time to deal with this. I was tired and felt like crap. Night all

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