Thursday, January 16, 2014

Fuck It! Homework, Almost Stressed Tears, Encouraging Words, and more Learning....

(January 16th, 2014)

I woke up at 9am something feeling tired as shit. Yet I managed to get my clothes in the dryer, eat breakfast, and get the things I needed for my homwork for Perspective Drawing. I honestly thought this would've been easy since I had the board but no. When I went downstairs to work on the large table in the lounge, a rush of “I can't do this hit me”. It hit me to the point where this home work stressed me out. How you ask? I'll tell you, this instructor wants everything like fucking pitch perfect! I already suck with rulers and mostly somewhat borders! I managed to pass Design Fundamentals with me trying my best with these damn boreders! But I had to so two borders on two different pieces of papper, four different types of boxes (two types on each page; five for each type), plus I'm trying so hard not to fuck up because I also need this pad for a different class (I couldn't keep starting over for eventually I wouldn't have any paper left). And just thinking about this guy failing me and my GPA dropping, money being loss, and other things just stressed me out! To the point where I wanted to cry my damn eyes out! I hate it when this happens, I start to add other things into the equation that just make my head hurt! But I managed to keep going after encouraging words from my best friend Gabby. She was right I shouldn't get so panicy and just try my best for I never know what might happen and some other things. After hearing that I got myself together and worked on my homework. Melsi came down too (I texted her for help but I figured it out) to work on it also (we had the same class). I did about six boxes on one picture and did a perfect border on the 2nd one that I needed to do. But I had to stop, pack things up, head up stairs, get my things and hurry to the train station. Evening class. Jogging my way to class for I was a bit late (Renee even surprised the living gosh out of me when I was walking to the front of the building; it was funny) yet I made it. An scared the hell out of Tiona if I might add. Same instructor I have for Perspective Drawing but this class was Image Manipulation (learning PhotoShop). While we waited for the attendance to come our way or for our row to be pick me and Tiona saw a fabulous person. I asked Tiona how come we can't be fabulous like him (he's gay but his style was classy and sophisticated) she said we would have to work on it. Summing things up: we would have to go on eCompanion a lot to check for our assignments and to email him. He asked us about types of files and bits and others things before break. During break I ate most of Tionas noodles cause I was really hungry (she said she was worried about me an kept asking me if I was okay), got a care package from Mrs. Briana, learned how the layers, rotate, shrink and other things for an imaged worked on photoshop today. Tiona recorded him talking for we both know we weren't going to remember crap of what he was saying. After all that, our homework was a breeze. We had to do a picture two different sizes on the scanner (I was struggling) but a friend ( the fabulous one; we even told him that) had finished and let us have a copy of it. But Tiona shook her head saying I was sad and being lazy. So after struggling with resizing it I finished it and posted it to eCompanion. Also we had to read four chapters for class, I had decieded to read two chapters today and two tomorrow. On our way back to the apartments...scratch that! I accidentally got on the train thinking Tiona was on too but she was still on that slow ass elevator so I caught the train before it left. So I literally waited for her like a good friend at Mockingbird Staion, she found it surprising that I literally waited and not ditched her (I was planning on it but hey the next train wasn't coming til like 7minutes so I was like why not). After we dropped our crap, I waited on Tiona who was gonna meet up at my apartment so we could go to Kroger so she could get her cash her grandma sent her. But we went downstairs to see what housing was talking about this snack and mingle thing (they texted us) of course it hadn't started and it was quiet. So we were like we would be back. Walking our way to Kroger Tiona was telling me it was to dead and quiet and everyone was suppose to be mingling not on there laptops. Tiona is a person who likes to talk to people especially if there new people. Basically to our return it was just popcorn and seasoning, yup we didn't stay. Me and Tiona just went back to our apartments got our things and headed down to the gym to use the wifi. Tiona was going to workout but lost the motivation. So while I was down there alone for awhile I was read one of the chapters for class, then a group of girls I knew were loud as hell! I didn't know why but I told they were loud as hell! Sum up: read only one chapter cause it was short the next one was 50pages long, more people came to use the wifi, we all gave our opinion about the wifi issue, Tiona told me I needed to go rest cause I was sleep and been very weird all day (just a tad forgetful). But after reading that chapter and downloading the new episode of Teen Wolf I went upstairs. I found a sick Renee, I told her about my day. She gave me a Lean Cuisine, Sarah came in crying saying she broke up with her bf this morning, Tiona came up stairs to check on me before she went to work out (her motivation came back). I took a shower, threw everything on the floor..and blacked out......

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