hello all!!! i kno i shuld hav post this tha day it happened but i was tired when i got home 4rm this awesome field trip :) i culdnt post it saturday cuz i had chores, work on my reviews 4 finals (even though i kept gettin easily destracted 4rm workin), an today i can post it cuz i remembered 2 and im not bein lazy at tha moment. so any who i will tell u all about it! ( i will hav 2 shortin it cuz i hav 2 go to bed, mom doesnt lik me on tha computer all night, so if u think i didnt giv a lot of detail in it u kno why) ok so it was a gud crowd of us goin 2 moody gardens 2 c tha lights then ice skate or imax. so heres tha deal bout tha bus system; u rode tha yellow bus goin there u ride tha gud bus bak; u ride tha gud bus there u ride tha yellow bus bak! no one rly liked tha idea but we had no chose. so we got on tha bus (i was on tha gud bus) an we were off!! first we went 2 cicis 2 eat (i got a mini ggrim reaper toy!) plus i scared tha crap out of my friend jenny and chris screamin "ITS TIME 2 GO STOP MAKIN OUT!!" i lmao, XD so on tha ride 2 moody gardens it was loud!! but thank god 4 tha power of headphones. ok once we got there we got tha tickets then walked around 2 c tha lights!!! an omg! I WAS LIK A FREAKIN LIL KID THERE!!! XD i took pics of a lot of light figures!! it was a lot of fun just long!!! so durin my walk wit othas there my friend adrianna kept buggin me bout goin ice skatin b4 we leav, so we all had 2 run lik almost to tha beginnin 2 get 2 tha ice skatin ring. an u kno wat i told her this when i had 2 get her off tha ice NEVA TELL ME U WANT 2 GO ICE SKATIN CUZ UR NOT GONNA GO!!! U GOT IT!!! she was so terrified on tha ice i had 2 get on!! (after i swore 2 myself 2 neva get on afta my terrible childhood experince) but i got on to help a friend....i culdnt just leav her there. i took her one-tenth way maybe shorter of tha ring, but tha hard part was gettin her off...but sunhow we got her off. an u kno wat i wasnt all that scared 2 ice skate it was fun 2 me :) but i was so tired in tha end, i stopped skatin when they said they needed a few minutes 2 clean tha ice. so i was lik thats it 4 me!!! i got a big pretzel and looked at tha rest of tha lights. so when i was done it was time 2 go, an get on tha yellow bus!!! it was a lot of fun cuz we kept singin kiddy songs...then one of tha adults got annoyed so it was mute time 4 us. then tha rest of tha way there my friend jesse kept tube harassin me!!! DO NOT ASK!!! >.< but otha then that i had fun on tha lil field trip b4 skool ended. well ttyl 4 now :)
P.S :
tha pics above r wat i took of tha lights there XD (i hav a lot more but i only wanted 2 post two of them)
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