Monday, June 7, 2010

my whole summa is just blah!!! :/

i really dont hav much 2 say 2day cuz my whole day was borin. well except when i got home and played my game 4 a gud 5 to 6hours long. i was happy. i had 2 go to my summer inrichment class 2day, it was borin!! we didnt start until 10am close to 11am. cuz my physics and chemistry teacher had 2 explain 2 tha "newbies" how 2 use novanet (novanet is just a program that helps u wit classes, tak classes, or even TAKS) i rly wasnt suppose 2 b their til july but i had 2 go june cuz i had anotha program 2 go 2 in july. afta tha explain then they left cuz most of them were doin it at home. we finally got 2 work. tha only thing we complained bout was how slow tha time was goin. thank god it was only 4rm 9am to 1am. well i mite as well get off now my mom is gonna start complainin bout tha dishes. oh!!! QUICK ANNOUNCEMENT!!!!!! I WILL DO A SPECIAL PRAYER 4 LEAH!!!!! MY BEST BLOGGIN BUDDY THATS KINDA GOIN THROUGH SUMTHINGS!!!!! SO I WILL PRAY 4 U LEAH!!!!! (i had 2 put it in caps so all can kno, lolz)   


  1. Summer classes...that sounds like it sucks...

    I hope Leah gets through whatever it is she's going through...she has lots of friends praying for her :)
