ugh!! i rly wanted 2 get on blogger on friday but i was busy this whole wkend well i'll start wit friday since it starts off tha wkend. in skool 2day we had a blast, all tha teachers werent their an tha best part was i went 2 tha park in 2nd period!! i hav geography that period but since he wasnt their my P.E teacher took my class and three otha classes outside!!!! we played kickball, an tha freeshman won. then i went to my uncles house becuz they were havin a card game lik they usually do, i took about 5naps ova their, i think i was rly sleepy. or it was probably becuz i was rly bored and just decided 2 sleep. we didnt get home unitl 4am and tha bad thing was we had 2 get ready 4 my sis b-day party that started at 3pm!!!! (my sisters b-day isnt until may 10 she will b 6years old we were just celebratin it early) this was saturday, :) well i didnt wake up until close to 12:45am i had 2 clean my room and help mom wit tha food and stuff. but we made it, my cuzins, uncles, auntis, etc all came ova an had a great time. everyone loved tha moonwalk but i just culdnt stand those kids arguing a lot!!!! these kids were younger than 6years old cursin each otha out and talk bout havin sex wit one anotha!!! me, my brotha, and my otha cuzin was lik WTH!!!! were do u yalllearn this 4rm!!!! my brotha was tha main one surprised by wat they were sayin, i was lik all lil kids curse they just dont kno wat it mean. no body left until probably close to 8 or 9pm. i was happy they left i got 2 watch a movie in silence then go to sleep in achin pain 4rm dealin wit evil kids tryin 2 kill me. then came mothas day, omg. my mom wuld not stop botherin me in tha car!!! she kept pokin, pinchin, an ticklin me!!!! i didnt kno wat was wrong wit her!!! an tha rly bad thing we at papadeuxs an it was crowded!!! i was lik dang we gonna b here 4 hours!!!! i think we sat outside 4 a gud....well i dont remeba but it was a long time until we got a taable. afta that we were all on cloud nine. we ate until we had enough, a couple of laughs, and blah blah. my grandma came,my aunt, my mom, my sis, and big cuzin 2. we had a good old time.
*yawn* well im tired. cya. oh an i may not b on blogger all tha time, this is r last 2weeks of skool an we got finals so i may come on every so often. if not im studyin 4 finals, just wanted 2 giv u that heads up. :)
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