2day was ok and not rly that awesome, by but ok. we had 2 eat lunch inside not out since 2nd lunch (i hav 2nd lunch) trashed the outside! the students didnt want 2 pick up their mess so we were all inside! an no offense we were packed in their lik a bunch of mexicans! i ate in tha hallway! i brought crawfish 2 skool and my friend chased me around tha skool twice tryin 2 still it, neva bring crawfish around blak ppl! i kno im blsk 2 but rly im brown, :). ok so at 5th period ourr teacher wasnt their we had a sub, so she left 2 go 2 tha restroom. i left tha class 2 go c my friends in my fav class! i had this class 4 journalism last semester but i dont tak her this year, so me, my friend angie, and pineapple boy (his nickname, lmao) went skippin down tha hall togetha 2 get water, then ran lik we were a roller coaster 2 class, it was awesome! then when i was in 5th period wit tha sub we had work...i think idk. all we did was talk and playiin in tha hall. the first 2times i left tha class cuz i had to wash my hands tha third was cuz my friend sakura or jenny wanted me 2 caome wit while she took some medicine. then we kept goin into tha counslers room (she wasnt their) cuz a few of our friends were in their. it was our B.A.D (Bad Ass Drummer, thats wat i call him), Yoshi, and tha otha matt. we talkedd and had fun4 a while wit them then went bak 2 class. tha sub didnt even notice we were bak, she was on tha computer. but P.E. was a drag we had 2 do math practice questions 4 TAKS. rly thats wat most of our teachers our doin now and its annoyin, thats y i usually fall asleep in algebra, ihav it 1st period. nap time. -_-
I fall asleep in my math class, too!!!
(not sure why that makes me happy...X/)
my math teacher talks lik a robot and sumtimes we dont understand wat he talkin bout!!! when we ask him 2 explain it again its always a lon version to tha answer that annoys everyone!!!
ReplyDeletei meant long version lolz :)