Friday, October 31, 2014

Friday (October 31st, 2014) Audio Blog Post :3

Happy Halloween all~
Hope you all got a lot of candy & scares :3
(I'll post what I wore for Halloween later)

Here's Friday's Audio Blog Post, give it a click! It won't bite >:3

October 31st, 2014

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Thursday (October 30th, 2014) Audio Blog Post :)

Well aren't we moving along down the week~
Here's Thursday's Audio Blog Post, go on give it a listen :3

October 30th, 2014

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Wednesday (October 29th, 2014) _ Audio Blog Post :D

Here is October 29th, 2014 Audio Blog Post. (Click the link below and give it a listen :3

October 29th, 2014

Monday, October 27, 2014

Stop Talking DX

(October 27th,2014.)

It's 12 am and I'm getting nowhere with sleep like wut so ever. My roommate told me that I needed to go to sleep. I would have taken her advice but I just didn't so I went ahead and just stayed on Twitter and kept texting my lovely telling her how much i missed messaging her. But it got to the point were I just had to end the conversation and actually go to sleep for I had class at 8 o'clock in the morning.. 

I did doze off a few times but at some point I was asleep til my roommate opened the door and I could hear her movie (she was watching Sinbad & The Seven Seas) she told me I needed to go to bed. I told her I was. I eventually went to sleep. 
Woke up around 4pm-ish & then again 15mins before my alarm went off. I swear my sleep pattern is so damn messed up! I was moving slow as a turtle but moved a little faster for I kept in mind that if I did take to long getting ready I wouldn't be able to catch my bus on time. Moved a little faster when I noticed it hit 6:30am & I needed to quickly make my oatmeal. Surprisingly my oatmeal must have heard me for it made a mess in the microwave by over flowing, lovely. Didn't have time to actually clean it so I just took the plate out and rinsed hot water on it, bagged my oatmeal, and dashed out the door. While walking down the sidewalk the sky was dark but somewhatly orange at the bottom. I found it nice; it was windy outside, bit chilly for a moment. Does this mean it'll get cold soon? Getting tire of 80-95degree heat & its October about to be November =_= Now I think it rained last night, for it smelt partially of rain & a wet dog. Which gave a disgusting smell! But I had to endure til I reached the bus stop. While waiting I was looking for an app that would type my words for me while I talked, found one, heard it has amazing reviews, wanted to test it but the nice lady who lived across the street & always caught the bus with me came. So I waited; noticed they put a fence up around the area behind the bus stop. Guess they got tired of people walking on there property with there dogs, there going to put a big ass building in such a nice area. What idiots. Bus 451 finally arrived and I got an after the nice lady and we finally headed towards the train station. It didn't take long for the train to arrive but of course what to do I expect, a free spot on the train? Nope. It was freakin rush hour in the morning, ugh. I don't mind rush hour in the morning I just hate the fact of being surrounded by a lot of different types of people but of course this morning was ok.  But hear was  something that was really cool this morning on the train, there was a guy who got on at Walnut Hill that looked like an actor from one of my favorite tv shows (Hannibal). He basically had the same facial structure, curly hair, & even glasses. He just resembled this actor, it was like so interesting but creepy. Once I arrived at the school I went ahead and just ate my oatmeal as always and guess what! One of my favorite tv shows was The King of Queens. Haven't seen that show in such a long time I watched a couple of minutes of it before I headed out, its still funny as always. The classroom is dark when I arrive to the room So I just went ahead and turned a lot on sat in class and wait until the other classmates got in. Swanston dinner I'm he's pretty funny We talked about the teacher and how sassy gay he can't is this conversation ever. While we were still talking about our sassy teacher the rest of the class start it all pile in the classroom. Then we'll just started to have a conversation about how are only gonna wait a couple more minutes for the teacher and then leave. Also while we waited one  girl showed me this photography of a guys week one assignment. He was the guy our instructor told us about that had used his own fesses to make he's art! But he did say we could do whatever & he did, next time he needs to give a limitation to that crap! We still checked the time, was getting close to when we were going to bounce. But he walked through the door, didn't even sit down, just said we had a 15 minute(s) break, & he was going to make prints. All I did was go to the computer lab and work more on my Christmas list then headed back. The instructor took the longest of time like ever explaining the damn assignment! I mean we all read the paper when he gave it to use he just kept being all long and drawn on each damn bullet. He just kept talking, an talking, an saying like a lot, and doing his laugh. I ignored him & started making a fortune teller out of a shit of my notebook paper. Once he was finally done talking he was all like "Do you all understand?" we all wanted to give a harsh yes! But what came out wad yeah we get it dont explain it again or hell no we have no questions just move on! He did but them wanted our help clashing words together which took even longer cause he didn't like some things we said, so he filled the board with combined words that were mostly on his paper then what the said. The exercise was simple, just drawing and inking the crap in such a short time was a mother!!! Once the timer hit, I stopped, said fuck it, turned it in, & went on our next break. During my walk I was capable of obtaining two $1 bills, one of them I spent, the other I kept to start saving up for a crochet hook. Then I went to the library and checked out three movies & Tolkiens Beastiary book. Always wanted to read more of his work. Once  back in class I stuffed the items carefully in my bag, he didn't have the print outs for our next assignment cause the printer had a paper jam. So we read off the projector, he finished, we wanted to leave but couldn't, now the whole rest of the time he wanted us to work on our homework. But instead we listened to techno music. Then we could leave, but I had to head to accounting to deal with a hole in my account again. They basically told me the same thing just that we needed to stay on our payments & try to pay a little more, they confused me at first I said I would text my mother later about it. (just to let you know it really slipped my mind to do so) Now here came the fact that I was happy Forest Lane was my last stop, for the train conductor was changing his sign to Not In Service. But what's more messed up was that I needed to catch the last bus that would take me home & I had two minutes but right when I hit the stairs they had drove off not leaving at there scheduled time. Im like gosh damn it! Now I have to wait an hour! During this lovely load of crap wait I was working more on my blog post for  today until a lady came up to me basically almost telling me her life story. Well really she was just telling me how she hated the way the DART Buses or the system was for she was about almost two hours late for work cause a bus left way to early & didn't really wait on anyone. Then she went into how she sent a complaint, how she would sue them if she got fired from work because of this, or how the bus drivers need to leave at there times or they'll mess up everyone's schedule of where they had to be. I think she eventually got tired of talking, went to smoke a cigeratte, then came back touching my hair asking me how I did it & how she wants to get her hair that way. In all honesty I wanted her to leave me alone but she was just a hard working woman who needed a break (I don't know). The bus man came to drop people off then go on break, but the lady stopped him to tell her complaint about the other bus driver. She held the man up from his break for about a good 15 minute(s). Eventually he lefted, I couldn't work on my blog post anymore for I was speaking it aloud and didn't want people to hear, then he finally came back close to 1pm, waited, then we left, and then I was home. After sitting at that bus stop for an hour I was like nope! Not doing homework so I snagged my Surface & my big laptop to go download movies. With doing so in the lounge Keia was there to talk to me while I struggled to download them & work on blog posts. But people kept coming in to use the other computer to print & it would turn this one off! I was so pissed! Keia had to eventually after the third time it went off make a sign. My movies were almost done download, almost! Please no one else come to print! An no one did! An just for that I was capable of downloading BRAVE, How To Train Your Dragon 2, & Mulan. I was like I'm done! I'm going back to my apartment to eat! Keia tagged along after she got her key problem situated then she headed over to my apartment. I told her it was fine if she hung out for my other roommates weren't here & that I was done cooking my dinner an she could make her's. While she cooked her food, I was done eating, and went ahead to burn the movies oon the blank CD's I had left over. (I'm running low and I'm going to need to get more.) After a bit of a wait they were done & we were watching How To Train Your Dragon 2 & giving our own little commentary. (Before the movie was in my PS3 Melissa came home with her boyfriend. She was going to do her homework while he blacked out on her bed since he was tired from work. She whinned that I didn't make her a copy of How To Train Your Dragon 2 so I quickly made her one.) After the movie I noticed my roommate texted me two hours ago asking me to put her ground meat in hot water to thaw. I went ahead and did that even though it was late, but I was all like this water gets boiling hot on it's own without a stove so it should be thawed out by the time she gets here. And speak of the devil 15 minute(s) later she came in through the door, I apologized fr taking up the couch and just moved Keia to our room. I had explained to Keia I didn't like taking the couch for to long for she sleeps on it. An that the last time me & Melissa were on it Melissa decided to pull an all nighter til 4am plating and she went to sleep in the closet for her mattress was messed up then and she couldn't sleep in it. But now she has a bed but still wont sleep in it for she enjoys the couch. Keia understood and just worked on her script writing assignment while I took a shower, once out I just layed on the other side of the bed where Keia was sitting and typing. She was telling me about her script and I listened then we had random conversation for a bit. An the darnest thing happened, I felt uncomfortable being on the edge so I rolled on my side while still talking to Keia but my words became short and all went dark. I rolled back over and Keia was gone. I felt bad, I fell asleep while we were talking. So I texted her good night like a normal person does to say in translation sorry for falling asleep on you guess I was really tired. lol. Still am, I'm going back to sleep...

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Dat Short Sunday Post

(October 26th, 2014.)

(This post will be short for I didn't do much today.)

So what ended up happening I stayed up a little while and then fell asleep.

Woke up with nothing to do for I was waiting on the damn lounge to freaking open so I can print out the text I needed for my billboard homework assignment. So I went to the other half of the lounge, tried to work on the last bit of my blog posts, got a quarter to get jelly beans from the nice security guy. After waiting another damn hour they finally open I printed out my text, outlined it then I was done, can't recall what I did after that but I did use the Wifi for a bit then went back to my apartment. I've noticed lately I've been singing songs from movies while I work, I highly had the "Let It Go": song going off in my head while making and eating dinner.  eventually started singing while I was in the shower. Now here's the darnest thing. I was going to watch it when I got out of the shower but it went missing, so I read one of Tantan's manga volumes. I read both volumes of Beast Master, I hated how short it was, I wanted more. Then I was just up on Twitter talking to my lovely and posting Sterek pictures all the night. I don't know when I'll go to sleep.

Saturday, October 25, 2014

I may procrasinate but I'll get it done, eventually

(October 25, 2014)

It’s about 2:26am & I just finished watching Jack Reacher. Since I borrowed two movies from the leasing office again I had to finish it last night/this morning for I have to return it later on today. Since I’m so sleepy I’ve been thinking things, I love & hate when I think things when I’m super sleepy r drowsy. Reasons being, what’s on my mind my be a good idea but I know it will work out or the fact that I need to do something til  I sleep then try to do it but black out in the process. Well my idea was to pull a Vampire Diaries. The whole writing in a journal thing again instead of Blogging. But then I thought about it & how I use to write on paper and well gotten it read then lectured about it. Thanks mom, I will never have a freaking diary ever again.  I do every now anthen write my poetry inside one of my journals I still have in my possession. But hey this is only a 2am thought. Since I’m still up I need to take my treatment then go to bed. There might be a tour tomorrow out of no where an I need to be ready. Also sorry that I said I would make this into an audio blog, but I’m thinking I may just switch it back and forth between typing and listening depending on the time of day. I use to stay up at night and type my blog posts so they wouldn’t be late. I might need to start back doing that before I forget things. Night/Morning all~(its 2:38am now)

So I woke up at a decent time to eat breakfast & finish the last of my homework. Plus I also thought of a plan to buy a new crochet hook that I needed to finish the Xmas gifts since I had a feeling my mom wouldn't wire me money to get one. I was motivated as hell to do my homework...but Youtube, Twitter, & Facebook distracted me from that early point in the morning til around close to 6pm. I got hungry. But I headed to my friend Keia's apartment since she finally moved over here! Her place was really cool! Loved every bit of it; ate some of her roommates bad batch of rolls. So I just hung at her place talking for about two or three hours til it was decided I head back to my own apartment to eat. Once I got home & dinner was made Tantan's Ex-Boyfriend came over & then they left. Movie time! I watched The Haunting of Molly Hartly. Loved it and then a shower was a must of course. Then I finally sat on my bed, took my supplies out, blasted music and did my homework. While working I heard Tantan & her Ex come throught the door then I heard there loud ass horror movie. Popped those headphones in & worked my ass off! Was very surprised how I did all this when I just actually sit down and focus with no fucking distraction. I finished it all before 12am, want to stay up. But Imma sleep....

Friday, October 24, 2014

Dallas Costume Shoppe, Halloween Party, Haunted House, & Casino Night :)

Since I was still awake & wanted to reward myself. Me and Tantan stayed up and watched the Extended Uncut Version (since it gave me three options) of SALT. I loved every bit of it! Glorious it was J

(I'll try to post pictures later of me in the outfits I tried at Costume Dallas Costume Shoppe.)

When I awoke I went ahead and cleaned my side of the room for there was going to be a tour in here around 1pm & I needed to get out of here. Ate breakfast then dashed t the bus, caught it, then hit the train downtown. Now I regret nothing of taking this way instead of the other way I found much more easier but I just noticed this route was easier. But finding the damn bus stop was a royal pain in the ass! I was so lost! My GPS was acting stupid and I was in the heart of Downtown Dallas! I would’ve asked for direction but I was to frustrated and had a feeling if I asked they wouldn’t know. So instead I followed the directions of where the buses were headed, til I found a directory, which was right down the damn sidewalk of the bus stop! Son of a bitch! You were right there! I’ve been walking in circles! Gah! I checked the times then went to look at the bus stop to see if the number I was looking for was there. An yes it was, with many other bus stop numbers! I was like more the 20 bus stop numbers on there! I was all like what the hell! While standing there reading the numbers an old man started talking to me saying, “Playing hookie? Skipping out on class?” I replied, “What?” He was all like “Shouldn’t you be in school?” “I don’t have class.” He thought I said I didn’t go to school, I corrected him in a harsh tone, sat down, and put my headphones in before he said anything else to me. I hate it when creepy old men talk me. Such perverts! Ugh! Waited about a good 20mins til my bus came, an you thought the old man was weird. The bus driver was weirder. She complemented me in an odd way, saying I looked nice showing off my little chest and that she liked my glasses and that I just looked so cute. All I could say was that you. Found it odd, my shirt isn’t tight just a little fitted and lose. But found out during the bus ride that she was a friendly woman and always complemented people for people should be happy for the way they looked. I was glad to get off for this old guy kept telling corny jokes and I got annoyed with them. Now I thought I would have to walk far but I was wrong, it was right across the street. Dallas Costume Shoppe where you can rent costumes. They had things made from back in the day to medieval to theatrical costumes. For they did make costumes for the theater. But here’s the problem, I had to go potty like so badly! But when I asked the nice lady that worked there she toldmethey didn't have a bathroom! Anthatthe nearest restroom was maybe down the street, I told her I would hold it. Even though I know that's a lot of bs! There has to be a restroom in here! But I didn't press on the matter. Instead I started walking around in amazement at all the colors, and fabrics, the hats, and different styles :) I loved it! But it was so hard to chose! So I just picked a bunch of them and tried them on. Also there was a sassy gentlemen there looking for a drag outfit, when he did try one on I told him he looked fabulous. During the time of me trying on the outfits I was trying my best to not piss myself while undressing. After I tried them on & got the price of how much to rent them I decided to cross dress. But I found that none of the men outfits interest me; yet I did find this very classy purple suit in the women section that I was modeling in like crazy with this cool pirate like black shit and tie. Right when I was about to get out of the suit I couldn't hold it anymore!!! I asked the other lady that worked there who helped me out a lot with the outfits if there was a restroom. Guess what? There was just not open to the public, but she let me use it cause she noticed I was damn near close to really pissing myself!!! After going through a back door, a maze of clothes, and locating the light switch I hit the jackpot and found the restroom! Magically relief; I wanted to really rent this suit for Halloween but my loving mother reminded me of all the glorious things we had to freaking pay for. Thanks mom. I left disappointed but glad that I found the darn place. Once home I attempted to try and re-crochet this hat I wanted to make for my friend for xmas since I didn't have the right size hook, so I decided to chain the amount of things. I think it was working. Then the leasing office called me & Tantan asking if we wanted to work in the haunted house, I didn't but she did. So she got her makeup on, got dressed, we told Melsi bye who was going to leave soon, and headed to the lounge for the Halloween Party. The leasing office bought food from Dickey's Barbecue Pit, yes! Haven't had Barbecue in a minute~ After seeing so many people in costumes (also I found Waldo) I dashed back to the apartment, changed into my kimono, snagged Melsi's Haku mask she made, and headed back to the line for food. Everyone was dressed up & even the kids were adorable! Plus there was this cute little girl there who was dressed as Elsa and her hair was on point! I got a roll, some beans, some brisket, some sausages, and some delicious cherry pie~ Me & my bad sweet tooth I aimed for the freaking Cherry pie first then everything else after. Next was the the Haunted House, I met Toni & Sarah in line and also Toni's boyfriend. He was scrony and a bit shy and weird. Since they had there group of four I went ahead with a lovely cop and her cheetah friend inside. The only thing that scared me was the damn clown jumping out at the freaking end, that's it! (But I did cling to the nice police lady's shirt the whole way so I wouldn't be lost.) The rest of my time being there consisted of me looking at the children looking so cute, waiting for the casino people, then they finally came, I played Roulette with Sarah at my side teaching me til I was broke of chips, and then headed over to the other table where you play 21. Me and this nice Asian lady I talked to earlier played with the card dealer til close to 12am. (Also Sarah whispered in my ear telling me the card dealer was kinda hot, a little but I betcha he's old.) I headed back to the apartment to take a nice long hot freaking shower!!!!! The watched Jack Reacher in my room. I think I blacked out afterwards..... 

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Finishing Homework & Darn Hair

(Ocotber 23rd, 2014)

So I stayed up and watched this movie called the Covenant. All I got from reading the description on the back was warlocks, evil enemy returns, and everyone is good looking lol. The movie overall was good, but I did black out when it ended. I was sleepy.

So I woke up about 10mins right after Meld and Tartan left the house cause tantan woke me up earlier then my alarm an I was all like fuck it. But I didn’t leave the house right away. Made myself a nice breakfast first then caught an early bus to the train station. Once arriving at the school I had to find a good spot to sit at to do my work, which I did find one. But got kicked out for there was going to be a class in there so I went on the 3rd floor. (before that I bought some fruit, well tried but didn’t have enough change so a nice guy it for me. I felt bad for I didn’t want him paying it for me. But I said thanks anyways.) Worked for an hour. Took a break by catching up on Once Upon A Time. Back to work. Then another episode of Once Upon A Time. Then bought a Danish. Then went all out and finished the damn thing so I could watch Sleepy Hollow. Bought a bag of chips and watched episodes one and two of Sleepy Hollow then decided to head out for I was hungry and in the mood for a freaking shower. Plus it was time to take my hair down, wash it, then twist it. Went to the lounge first to grab some tea and rented out two movies I’ve never seen before. The movie SALT and Jack Reacher. When I was finished checking them out and heading outside I noticed Anthony had ordered pizza. I asked if there was an event going on tonight, he told me no. Saying the pizza were for the people who moved here just recently but the moving trucks left to early. Although, he did say I could stop by to get a slice of pizza or two. For there should’ve been some left over for there weren’t that many kids. I told Melsi about it when I got back to the apartment, she told me to snag her some for Anthony did she could have some. Then we talked about the new RA position being open and how there was only one. An I was just saying that if he didn’t hire more she would probably get more work, but Melsi is Melsi. An decided to argue with me saying it would never happen and he wouldn’t do that. While she was walking out I mumbled, “Of course he wouldn’t do that to you for you’re his favorite RA and there is a high possibility he has a huge crush on you since you like Zelda.” Thankful she didn’t hear me or we would’ve really stated something. While I waited til 6:15pm, I was trying to look for my damn white card that would let me enter the lounge. Couldn’t find the damn thing! So annoying! Had to knock on the door at the lounge. Now these damn kids were about to leave with the last fucking box! Yall niggas be eating! Was only ale to get two slices, a cup of Mountain Dew, and a short conversation with Sarah and Toni for I was still ungry and needed to do my hair. Once home it didn’t take me long to cook then finish eating, but took a life time taking a shower since I had to wash my hair. Now I was really hoping! Really hoping to finish twisting and combing out my hair before 12am. Guess what? I DID! Finished at 11:05pm! And boy were my hands freaking tired! They hurt so much from parting my hair and combing this thick hair of mines and twisting each one really fast. But most of all my legs hurt! Standing in the bathroom for more then an hour looking at the mirror trying to do my hair was very tiring =_=

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Competitive Idiot and Wide Awake

(October 22nd, 2014)

Got up early for I had to get to the school to talk to Anthony before my 1am class. When I got the email yesterday or today he was asking to speak with me for about 5 to 15 minutes in his office. I hope he doesn't lecture me or ask me hows my living with Tantan & Melsi is going. To my surprise when I got there it was neither. He wanted me to close the door for this was a serious conversation again. Last time I was in here and he wanted to have a serious conversation was when me and Tartan had issues with the new roommates. Yet after I explained the situation and what happened he had nothing to say after that except miss communication happened and that he was glad to get the information. But this time it was about me being in the red with payments for housing. I told him I've already talked to accounting and we know I’m behind but he still told me to go over there and talk to them. Told accounting what Anthony told me, they said they've already explained my situation to him and that he shouldn't have bothered me about it. Texted my mom and let her know what’s going on. She texted back and said she would make a payment tomorrow. That was settled and I went to class.  But before that I went to say hi to everyone in room 322, all my animation & game art friends  that I missed dearly. Now here's a shocker! Evan shaved his damn head! I'm all like what the hell! Where’s your hair?! He said he cut it for he was looking for a new job, I told him he looked weird. Then he became demanding to see my pen tooled house, I told him when you had hair you were okay but now that its cut you’re an asshole! He laughed, I know that he’s a competitive piece of crap. Showed it to him. All he said was damn, I need to step my game up! I didn't do all that! Shut his damn mouth! Lol. Today were were putting color to our two assignments we did for the past two weeks. Our six items and the freaking house we outlined. It was funny cause my friend sitting next to me was complaint about how if he was in Photoshop he would've been done. An that he wanted to make everything one solid color. He made me and my other homie laugh til break. Didn't do much but sit there in the lounge staring at the screen noticing that TBS started showing Robot Chicken & Children’s Hospital. That’s Adult Swims job O.o ;also sometime Randy gave me two dollars, I saved them. Back in the rolly chair and working my ass off! At the end of class I finished my six items then went to another computer lab and bald way sorta finished the house for a few hours. Got hungry so I said screw it! I’ll come up to the school tomorrow and finish the rest. Was planning to stay til 10pm but the hunger was growing on me. Once home I ate, showered, and was wide the hell awake after a treatment. Damn it. 

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Bragging & Made a New Friend

(October 21st, 2014)

So I think my roommate fell asleep on the movie cause the main menu theme I kept hearing it around 1am-ish in the morning. It was so freaking annoying. Glad when she turned the hell off when she rolled over.

This morning no Cheshire Cat smiling at me, it was more like I could see the stars for once outside. And no they weren’t airplane lights, I can tell the damn difference. So I was happy for today I thought we were going to do Celtic text but found out in class that we were going to do Roman Brag. The Celtic text would be next week or so. Teddy and Randy weren’t there, I kept texting them like crazy but no damn reply. Also one of my classmates from my digital illustration class was in here, he was all like I missed last week and I think he got his schedule changed. He also had the next class with me. I told him he would have to do a lot of work for he was seriously behind. After our lovely instructor went over the key words that would be used on our quiz for week 5 I finally got a text from teddy saying he was on the way. But I didn’t know it was him til he came to class when it was almost over; we were supposed to do a brag about ourselves but instead I did a quote by Gandalf. Cause I love Gandalf’s quotes. Ah! So jumping ahead! During break I finished listening to all the Dracula audio books, the ending was glorious! Also I was working on my Christmas list to email to my mother later if her email was okay since I made her a new one last week. Teddy came near the end of class asking me what we had done & that I would text him the words she went over for our quiz. Also freaking Evan wanted to see my Roman Brag for he’s very competitive & he also wanted to see my pen tooled house we worked on last week since I finished it. I told him he was a royal pain and that I would show it to him in class on Wednesday. In our next class our instructor took his time going around and critiquing everyone’s work, we have a large class. I talked to a few people and also this one girl who I found interesting to talk to. When he got to me he loved my yarn advertisement idea but wanted me to add some things to it. Majority of class was him going around looking at our stuff and picking which billboard idea we needed to make a rough of. Then for the last hour of class he tried so hard to lecture about the billboard idea and how he wanted. I asked if I could use text because I didn’t have that many words. Also we had to guess what type of magazine layout was used and what message was being given, found this exercise very interesting. After class I talked to the girl who was interesting about The Hobbit & Game of Thrones, she also showed me her fan art which was really cool! She wanted to talk more about Game of Thrones cause she couldn’t really find anyone to talk to about it. Gave her my number and just told her to text me when she gets a chance. Once home, no joke, I was singing the Pokemon opening theme song while making dinner. I honestly don’t know why the hell I was singing it but I guess I wanted to watch Pokemon again. Then I took a shower. An I just laid in bed. Didn’t do a damn thing, just layer in bed staring at the walls and twitting on Twitter. Then came my roommate talking to her exboyfriend on the phone very loudly! Telling him she doesn’t want to get back together & other crap, wish she would stop talking to him & just let him go. But she’s confused about crap and does things differently then everyone else. *sigh* heard there conversation for about an hour or so. Time to go to sleep.

Monday, October 20, 2014

Morning Smile, No Homework, & In the mood for a Movie

(October 20th, 2014)

I slept oddly last night; don’t know why I just did. Woke up tired & wanting to go back to sleep but couldn't. Did my usual morning routine as always then headed to the bus stop, train, then, school (Also while heading to the bus stop I saw the Cheshire Cat smiling at me in the sky, it was pretty.). At the school I finished my oatmeal before going into the classroom. Once of the students was there, putting up her week 1 assignment. It was really cool too! All Alice & Wonderland themed and her week 2 assignment was like a cool wooden puppet thing. Then others started to come into class. Then the conversation about the supplies & where to get some arised. Not everyone had everything & found it frustrating to find it. Also  Evan returned to class, the idiot missed last weeks assignment & he looks tired as hell. There a few others who didn't do the assignment and some were a a lost of what exactly to do. I didn't find it all that hard but some people did. Guess they comprehend assignments differently. After attendance (found out Evan’s name was his middle name and his first name starts with a D, I told him that name didn't suit his and Evan was better) & a lecture about reality stuff (totally forgot how our instructor got started on that dang topic but whatever) we finally started critiquing our assignment. He decided on mines first for it was at the far end of the way, I hated having to go first. I explained my process, how the carpet at the leasing office helped me get a spark of some helpfulness towards making the map, and what my conclusion came to be with inking I & markers. He gave his critique it was really just me using medium tone colors or something or another then a few other people said stuff. Got to sit down after; he did like it though, fund I creative. Next was this girl who was in fashion but switched to graphic design. I could already tell she was in fashion before even letting us know when she was telling us about her map. For she always dresses nice an I found her pretty. Hell she was wearing a large sweat shirt like tanish dress with boots & her curly hair was down. She was rocking that whole outfit! Plus she’s like small she looks like she could be a middle schooler, but she is beautiful though. Found out she is mixed, I think she said German and Russian if im not mistaken. I don’t know I find her style and the way she is interesting. Next was the cool chick who did the Alice and Wonderland themed thing. I find it so surprising all the things she used was already at home and she didn't have to buy anything. Awesome. Next was this other girl who I find shy but shes cool just doesn't like groups or crowds much from what I can tell. I loved her colors and the story behind the images. Then came Mrs. Dancer, he’s was simple but clean an eligient. Which I still find pretty cool. Then came the funny guy who loved shoes so much! I found his story the most entertaining and interesting. (Oh we did have a break in between these, also the cool chick that dresses all pretty told us about her last weeks assignment. An our instructor loved the other chicks Alice and Wonderland sculpture so much that she Told the head of Director in Design to see and wanted to know if there was room for it in a glass case somewhere.) After a few laughs and questions  he told us of our next assignment, which we didn’t have! Cause there was no homework for this week since we have an in class assignment next week. We all said yess like it was a weight off of or shoulders. So I decided to go straight home and do something worth while or just be a damn bum! But I remembered or was reminded through text that I needed to help Tantan with her homework assignment. Now here’s the deal, she was still asleep when I got home. I did wait a little bit for her to awake, so I was sheming through the Dallas Voice newspaper. But eventually started planning to go to the lounge and just type up my blog posts for last week and call the vacation people about paying the deposit later on. But she woke up frustrated trying to figure out the camera. I tried calling the vacation people and it took forever so I said I would try later. We didn't get many images done for me nor Tantan knew how to work this camera nor adjust the setting for everything was complicated. I felt bd for her though for she just got back out of town, this was the only time she could check out the camera, she hadn't eaten all day, nor taken a shower, and hadn't gotten much sleep at al. She gave up and said she would tell her instructor she didn't know how to use the camera for shes not a photograph student . For the class was for photograph students anyway, but mandatory for graphic designers to know how to take there own pictures for there own work. I found that stupid, this is the 21st century! We have cell phones lol. But what made things worse she had to rush to get ready to try and catch a bus in a good 1mins to return the camera to school. While she was panicking and taking a shower I went ahead and asked Melissa if she didn't mind taking her. She seemed as though she didn't want to go up there, even though she was procrastinating again and not doing her homework. She had to think for a minute then she said she did need to go to the school for something. Melissa never changes. Tantan was able to breath after hearing she had a ride to school. I went to the lounge to type up and call the vacation people about the time of when we needed to turn in the money. Got all that taken care of and then starting working on my blog and changing a few things. Stayed until they closed the place up. My hands were hurting afterwards after typing so fast an reading things, but glad I got it all typed up though. Changed so much of my blog! Like the theme, the font, where the things were, and the URL as well. So I was in the mood for a Disney movie while eating dinner so I went ahead and watched Sleeping Beauty with Melissa. We kept giving funny commentary and questioning why the princess always fall in love on the first day. I told her there were only two people to question what goes on in a Disney movie. That would be Eugene from Tangled asking why is everyone singing & Kristof  from FROZEN telling Anna she can’t fall in love with someone in one day, its not how love works. After that magical moment I went ahead and took my shower then watched How To Train Your Dragon (the first one) for I missed seeing Hiccup and Toothless. Right when I had finished the movie my roommate Titan came in the house. I told her sorry for scattering my stuff everywhere & just got my stuff and went into the room. Here's where my mood changed. I had must got through taking my asthma treatment and the first thing I breath in besides fresh air is something spicy and hot. Burned the hell out of my throat! I asked nicely for Tartan to to turn the cent on when she cooks stuff like that for ill be breathing it in and it burns. She seemed a bit moody when I asked. Look I’m not about to have an asthma attack cause you want to have your way damn it! You live here with two other people! Sorry if you had a bad a day or whatever. I tried using Melissa’s air freshener and fanning it out but it was a no go. So I went ahead and unscrewed the light bulb from my wax burning lamp then plugged it up and let the scent go through the room. Now I’m able to sleep somewhatly better

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Poor Mother’s Email & Potato Soup (which I would fancy better as a dip)

(October 19th, 2014)
Pulling that all-nighter helped me so much for I was able to sleep the heck in! This was golden to me, being able to dream a sweet dream. (This is a little late should’ve typed this in yesterday’s post but my glorious Aunt had called letting me know she was in Fort Worth and wanted to see me. Plus she asked if I could babysit my cousin for a while. But I told her I wasn’t well. Then later on that night she told me they weren’t going to stop by for my little cousin wasn’t feeling to good so they would try to stop by an say hey to me before they left tomorrow.) But sadly that dream broke when my mother had called asking me how to get into her computer for my grandmother had done something to it, I was half sleep an didn’t understand what she meant. Once she explained the situation, I knew I would have to fully get up, get dressed, and head to the lounge to use one of their main computer to  see if I can fix what went wrong on my end. I told my mother to give me her email and password and see if it worked or not. Or I could just reset her password. My roommate Melissa had made the last of the cinnamon rolls (since I accidentally burnt the last one’s a little bit cause I was looking at the wrong damn times for the oven) & I had that for breakfast with a side of bacon. Eating helped me wake up some but I just groaned about the fact of me having to change clothes to head to the lounge to fix a problem for back home again when im all the way in Dallas. What ended up happening: my mother’s password didn’t work, even the other email she gave me didn’t’ work well sort of but it told me her account was inactive and was being recycled, so I had to make her a new one and if she ever needed to reset it the rest code would go to my phone and I could do it so she wouldn’t struggle. After all that difficulty and talking to nice a gentlemen about my situation I went ahead and downloaded some more crochet videos. For I wanted to start back crocheting the Xmas gifts for my families for I needed to get on it for December wasn’t that far. Once back in the apartment, I created another list writing down the names of the people I was making gifts for, what I was making them, and from what colors that I had with me. Now here’s the thing after eating dinner and taking a pause from working on one hat I noticed it was really small. I didn’t get why til I read the video description of the video, my crochet hook was too damn small. I could’ve finished that hat today if it wasn’t so damn small! I was annoyed and went ahead and tried another hat, but quickly found out I really needed a larger crochet hook indeed. So I have no money to buy one at the moment and it narrowed down to me just having to work on the other gifts. But I really spent a chunk of my evening trying to kill two birds with one stone. Then I remembered I had started laundry! So I quickly went to the washer to smell my clothes to make sure they didn’t smell, thank gosh they didn’t an went ahead an threw them in the dryer. (Side tracking, forgot to mention, before I made dinner my little brat of a sister called me asking a lot of odd questions dealing with the movie Mean Girls and wondering if my roommates were anything like them. I had told her no.  Then the conversation was running along the lines of when I was coming home, that took forever to get her off of the subject til I said I needed to make dinner.) Before I hit the shower I wanted to put my food away before I pulled a Melissa forgetting things were out. Funny thing, because Melissa had the counter over crowded with crap my container full of good corn fell on the kitchen floor. I was pissed..THAT WAS GOOD CORN! I would’ve went an had an all-out fit about but instead quickly swept it up before we had more nats to deal with. After I swept Melissa came in saying she got a lot of things and how she would make the potato soup she told me about earlier that we would enjoy together. I cut her short when she tried to come in the kitchen for I told her the kitchen smelled of corn and I needed to mop.  And that it was her stuff’s fault for my corn falling on the floor. She felt bad so she said she would let me have her mixed vegetables in the freezer. I’ll keep that in mind that she said that. So I ended up using a towel and some of her Mr. Clean to clean it all up then hit the shower for I really felt dirty. Afterwards the house was  smelling magnificent cause of Melissa broth she was boiling on the stove for the soup, while she was still slowly cutting the vegetables (she’s a slow cutter). While she did that I was preparing for tomorrow and trying to fins some why to place my towels in a different location then where they were. Took me about three to four tries but I got it. Then the soup was ready. I complained to Melissa that this soup would go perfectly would crackers but we used tortilla chips instead. Sn found out this soup would make an amazing dip. While we ate I played a song by The Colourist band I heard at the festival, then Vagabond by Misterwives, and both of PAINT’S Ever After videos about the truth of Disney princesses. After Melissa was going to attempt to start her homework (which was a lie) &I was going to attempt to go to bed (not a lie). I just scrolled on twitter after my breathing treatment. I couldn’t sleep so I got more water and noticed Melissa still had this soup out. I urged her and reminded her to but the damn soup up for she worked hard on it and wouldn’t have anything to eat tomorrow. She literally completely forgot she was letting it cool on the stove. I laughed but then sighed and went to bed with my best ability.  

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Cultivate Festival, Slow Moments, & An All-Nighter

(October 18th, 2014.)

Melissa literally didn’t finish playing til around 4am. I had blacked out again an she had to wake me up so that I would go get in the bed. It was had to go to sleep for a few hours but eventually I dozed off.

I was awoken by three different alarms that I ignored cause I was thinking “I have time to meet up with Keia to go to this event.” Since she texted me around 11pm last night asking if I wanted to go with her. An naturally I don’t put my phone on ring so it was on vibrate and I didn’t feel it while I was asleep on the couch. I ended up texting her late & kept constantly texting her in the morning when I finally got up cause it was 9:30am-ish. She then texted me back saying yeah. So I rushed to go catch the earliest bus to get to the train station to meet her. Surprise, surprise Renee was at the bus stop. We chatted for a while about school & what not til we made it to the station. An talked more about some guy she was seeing for she had to let the other guy go for he was weird and a little odd. We had to cut our conversation short for she had to get off at the next station to head to the school to do homework. She thought I was going there as well but sadly no, so I told her to just text me later when she had a chance. I then kept texting Keia I wasn’t far from the station where her apartment was..but she had already caught a train an was downtown at WestEnd. So I had to stay on the crowded train til I met up with her at West End. Once we met up she really didn’t know much about the event only the fact that there was free food and music. So it was a really “why the hell not go, it’s free” kinda vibe going. As we waited for the next train we needed to catch to get us close to Irving where this event was taking place, a lot of homeless people kept asking us for change. *sigh* Had to keep reminding myself we were in the downtown depth area of Dallas where a lot of homeless and weird people either want money, food, or a sad attempt to flirt with you when there really old guys in wheelchairs or with canes. We were both happy the train had arrived for there was another homeless guy eye balling us all creepy like so we dashed on. It was a lot of stops we had to pass, but once we got off it was a really long walk. Having to pass a lot of fancy apartment complexes, going down steps, and literally having to walk around the big freaking lake. Which was really beautiful, but I would never get to close to it for the water was deadly deep. (I can’t swim okay) We had to follow a crowd of people through the grassy like parking lot to find the entrance of the event. The sign read “Cultivate Festival” by Chipotle. I thought it was cool, and then we thought we had to pay for people kept pausing at the front of the long line. But they were only doing bag checks. Here’s where the fun part came in. We got the map thingy (I call it that for it had extra stuff in it and it was really thick ass paper) & we had to go around to different stands or displays to learn certain things about how Chipotle used natural ingredients to make their food. During all this we did also try free drink stands, a stand that gave me a free shirt (think the drink brand was called Naked), got a cool wine bag from one stand with information in it, got free coconut ice cream, free guacamole with chip when having to go through one display (learning how they make their guacamole), and free Chocolate Chip Dough Ice Cream by Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream. Also we received a free Guacamole pass at Chipotle & when we got all our stamps in the thing we got a free Chipotle pass to get a burrito, bowl, salad, or taco and it didn’t expire til December 31st, 2014. Which was really cool, that’s like a whole free meal I can treat myself to one day if need be. Then we went to the bar area to get a cup so that we could be able to get free water at this Water Station.  Yes, it was hot as hell outside we seriously needed a drink. Also we noticed that they were really recycle friendly for they had workers standing at the trash can directing people what trash can to place their item in while pointing to the signs on the board overhead. You don’t see that every day. Also there were bands going to play for this event ends at 7pm (but we only stayed for two hours for Keia needed to get back to her apartment early to pack and travel home for the rest of the weekend)but we only heard one and I really love them. There called The Colourist, wouldn’t mind putting a few of their songs on my ipod when I get a chance. J Before we left I seriously wanted something to eat, so I went ahead and bought one of their steak salads that was like $7. Keia was telling me they were way to over excited about salad when we came over there, she thought they weren’t getting that many customers. I had told her of course, people are aiming for the taco or burrito stand instead lol. The salad in all honesty was freaking amazing beyond means, just had to hurry and scarf it down before we got on the train. Didn’t want to risk the Dart Police telling me to dispose of it for were not supposed to eat on the train. Didn’t take long for the next train to arrive, we hopped on, and a few stops later me & Keia had to part ways. Fast Forward, I made it to the lounge to stop and get some glorious tea when I had noticed there was a skeleton head trying to bite into the cake that someone made out of sugar. Made a joke or two to the leasing office ladies about it then headed back to the apartment.  I really wanted to start doing my homework or eat I think but Melissa asked me nicely if I would tag along while she went to Walmart so she could get something, return something, and try to get some potting soil and a pot for a plant she stole for it was getting big. Hadn’t been to the Walmart Supercenter since I quit, so I sort of remembered where things were. After she got her pot, the soil, and whatever else needed she then remembered she left the items she needed to return at home. I laughed for it was hilarious for how she thought the entire time she had it ion her. Once we returned I urged her to go ahead before she forgot to put the plant into the pot and soil. While she did that I was eating leftovers. Now here’s where my roommate seemed to have had a slow moment indeed. I asked her, I quote, “Can I use some of your soil for my bonsai tree?” For I had recalled I hadn’t changed Sazuki’s soil since I saved him from my Uncle months months ago. She then replied, I quote, “Why? Bonsai’s are grown from rocks right?” I then paused and almost choked on my food at hearing what she said. I went, “WHAT???” She then told me, “Well aren’t they? For when I get bamboo at stores there always in a vase full of rocks so I just thought that rocks and water was all it needed.” Still stunned and baffled by my roommates reply. I said “Melissa, my bonsai wasn’t grown from rocks! It needs soil, just like bamboo. Bamboo was grown in soil. They only put it in a vase full of freaking rocks and water for display.” She told me, “I know I just thought.” She stopped talking then, I think the fact that she got soil & a pot for her plant & calling herself a “gardener “ was getting to her damn head. Just cause your plant that you stole, correction; it’s really not a full plant! She took a part of the plant from somewhere around the apartment complex and just stuck it in a jar of water. I honestly don’t understand why the hell the damn thing is freaking alive! But any who, after all of that oddness I just went ahead and showered and then started on my homework. I really wanted to get it sketched out and inked and maybe in the grey markers tonight so that I could enjoy my freaking Sunday with no worry about homework. Melissa kept telling me to do half tonight and the rest tomorrow, a part of me wanted to do that but I couldn’t. I literally pulled an all nighter sitting on my legs in the desk area working on it while still listening to my Dracula audio books. I finished around 2am. Showed Melissa who was procrastinating and reading a book plus she left the dishwasher open for hours not putting the dishes away. I then fell asleep, took me awhile but I knocked out at some time. 

Friday, October 17, 2014

Art takes you a Long Way..Downtown

(October 17th, 2014) 

I really couldn’t sleep! For when I read a new manga I feel so refreshed and full of excitement and thinking about what I’d read! Yes I’m still an Otaku! Just cause college takes up a lot of my time and I can’t catch up on things much I still try on the side but I’ll catch up sooner or later. Never takes me long to catch up to a manga or anime at all. I just stayed up on twitter til I blacked out.

Drool was on my face when I awoke, Tantan was getting ready for she as suppose t live, and my alarm wasn’t going to go off until an hour later. Sleep. Alarm. Annoying pest! Almost threw it across the room! Had to leap out of bed to get ready but couldn’t use the bathroom. Had to go to Mesli’s bathroom with my things to get read (Tantan was doing her hair; oh and her ex-boyfriends was sleeping on our couch for there traveling back home together) Anywho  I got dressed and ready for my departure so that I could be back here before Melsi had to do a tour at 2pm. I only fixed oatmeal this morning for I was pushed for time to go catch an early bus & be on my way an back. Told Tantan bye, went to the lunge to get some tea, and waited at the stop for the bus. Every time I wait on the bus im so impatient that I want to get on and reach my destination already. The bus was a little late but okay. Rode it all the way til I got to this strip center area where Asel’s was supposed to be. Quote I said “supposed”. There was a huge NOW LEASING sign on the area where Asel’s was supposed to be. I was getting frustrated. I walked around back of the building thinking I had missed something. Nope. Really annoyed at this point that I ended up going to Mcds and got myself a hash brown and sausage biscuit; once it hit me that the store was no longer there I had to look up the one that was downtown. To my surprise while eating found out I could catch a bus right across the street from the Mcds to then catch another then walk to my destination. Although when I finished an set out on my journey, during my wait which was 30mins almost long for each bus I went ahead and kept listening to my Dracula audio books to help pass the time away. After I got off the second bus it never occurred to me how far I needed to walk, about a good 25mins. Tired, Hot, and Pissed that I had to walk so damn far! I finally made to Asel’s! Once inside (glad for the AC) a nice lady greeted me & I told her then my life story of the struggle of how I got there. She said that It was terrible and would direct me to a bus stop not far from the shop that would get me to the station. Now Asel’s was like wonderland for artist, just a ad expensive. Found what I needed after a little assistance, chatted with the ladies that worked thee, and felt like we became good friends. Once the nice cash register lady gave me directions on where I needed to go I set out. At the stop, an with the last bit of my battery I had to text my roommate saying I wouldn’t make it in time to get home an straighten up then see what time the next bus was coming. Another 25 to 30 mins wait. During my wait for some odd reason I was feeling sick. Running nose, sneezing, headache. I hated it an wanted to go home already. Long wait indeed, got on the bus….an well lets just say not straight on to the station really quickly for some odd reason the bus driver kept stopping and just sitting there. When the damn light was green!!!!! At first we thought something was in the road but wasn’t…we didn’t understand. All I understood was that she took damn forever to get us to the station. Still not well, I waited, got on the train, waited for the bus to leave at Forest Lane, then finally made it was close to 3pm. WTH!!!! I was supposed to have been home! Been home1 I was highly tired and didn’t want to do my homework. I ate, decided to help Melsi with her flyer errands, so I went an read manga while awaiting here return with the flyers. I got some and the apartments I needed to go to. Here’s the things, I felt so old and tired going up and don’t the stairs searching for the apartment that I had went on the wrong side. That when I had finished an went to the lounge to cool off an watch the season premiere of the walking dead. Melsi said I was fast in putting the flyers up on the apartments. Really? Huh didn’t notice. I got kicked out of the computer area when I was only 28mins in the episode. Went back to my apartment got my tablet and watched the episode even though it was a struggle for the video had to stop an load a few times. But I also talked to the nice security guard while watching, Melsi decided to get in the cold ass pol (her own mistake), and my friend kept coming in the lounge to get his protein shake for he was lifting weights. Finished it then tried to watch the first episode of Outlanders but was waiting for it to load. Los track a moment but Melsi gave me some lemon cheesecake before I started watching or I think it was during…whatever. Our housing director made it an wanted it to be eaten before it went bad for he was going out of town. I tried asking the other girl in the lounge if she wanted a slice but she looked at me like she wanted to cut me r something. Just asking damn. I ate a slice. It was delicious. I think after awhile of noticing how cold the water was Melsi told me she was heading back, I gave her the container of cheesecake and told her to put the rest in the fridge. I would be home soon or not if the video would load. It didn’t, I didn’t want to waste my time with it. So I came back took a nice shower and gladly watched Melsi play Borderlands the Pre-Sequel as Claptrap while I tried to finish a majority of my homework. But I did leave for a moment to take my treatment. Then return to the couch to laugh at all the stupid and funny things happen in the game. But I did still keep blacking in and out of sleep watching her play. Lol 

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Stuffness, I Hate You So...darn nose

(October 16th, 2014)

My morning was terrible! Utterably damn terrible! Indeed! I was supposed to get up early and get a lot of homework done but what ended up happening was that I had a stopped up nose from when I awoke and I couldn’t breath for the life of me. I hated it! I hate not breathing and I hate it when it seems as though im close to being sick I hate it! I was complaining and shouting at the air all morning. While I got my bag together, or tried blowing my nose, and even fixing breakfast!!!!!! Tried calling my Grandma again or Great Aunt to see if they could help me unstop this nose of mines. No answer. So I turned too my mother for help. She texted me back telling me to sit in a steamy shower and take another treatment. I decided why the hell not, nothing else I try is helping. So I went ahead an ate my turkey bacon and oatmeal. Then started the steamy shower process, now it slipped my mind to ask my bbelovedmother how long I was suppose to be in there. Yet I did google early of some methods of getting rid of a stuffy nose only needed to stay in there for about 10 to 15mins. After that came my treatment and the following blowing of the nose after. But I needed to get out of the apartment an get some actual dang fresh air in me. For it was still a tad stuffy in the room from when my roommate cooked last night. Now you know how I said my plan was to go ahead and do homework. Well I did some of it while being there, ate leftovers, watched book hauls, printed out references, avoided this kid named Noah cause he reminds me of this annoying kid Marcus in the animation department, and then it got to the rest of my evening me trying to compress my videos. AGAIN1 Very frustrating, but I found a way with using Powerpoint to make the files smaller if you save them a certain way when making your video a presentation. That was a relief. (I did try some other method of trying to change the video to text an eailing it to myself  but failed for when I tested with a youtube video it all just…didn’t work the hell out at all.)  Also I was downloading and listening to the audio book of Dracula for the guy that was doing the voices for the characters was amazing! Then (if im recalling right) I headed back to the apartment where I found Tantan doing things (well she was taking a shower) I made dinner, and then Melsi came in. Telling me aout her long day, I told her she should crash and sleep. But couldn’t for she wanted to go over to her boyfriends house and pay games before he left the next day. But before she was going to roll out she informed me of some great information that she didn’t want me to tell anyone (although I broke that later on) about the new residents assistant position. I promised I wouldn’t tell. Yet after my shower, an talking to Tantan about her trip, I told Tantan the information Melsi told me. For I felt she needed to know for it was important information that would determine whether she would get the position or not as a resident assistant. Plus I don’t like lying or people that with hold important information that everyone should know right away and not at the bloody last minute! So I wasn’t tired, an asked Tantan to read some manga. I ended up reading Volumes 1-6 of Video Girl and Volume 1 of  Gangsta. I ended up reading til abut 1:45am-ish. I need sleep or do i? 

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Better at Pen tool, getting better, & the stuffiness returns =_=

Alright I’m typing it this go round cause I’m actually tired & stopped up again. I’ll tell you why later. 

(October 15th, 2014)

So lets get this show on this road Kay.

Well I ended up waking an hour before my alarm an I could somewhatly breath (which was a good thing) but dozed back off of what felt like only 5 minutes. An there goes my alarm. I was getting up early so I could try an return these calligraphy pens that I bought (which was the wrong size). Made some amazing oatmeal & turkey bacon; I was planning on wearing a long sleeved shirt but it was only going to bed 54 Degrees for only a few hours then bump up to the 80 degree mark. Once I left out I had decided to go ahead and check the mail, for I really don’t check the mail often. We only got the recent residents mail, my roommate got a package, and we got another magazine (going to keep it for me and Melissa are collecting magazines for references when need be). So instead of me stuffing my backpack with this I just went an dropped it off. Put the magazine in our stack with the others and placed my roommates package on the other pillow near her feet since she was still sleep on the couch. Once I arrived at the lounge to try an print a few references out for my homework assignments. There were brand new bikes in the inside walk way and the office. I commented on how nice the bikes were and who they were for. The ladies in the leasing office told me it would be for everyone to rent really soon. Good! For the bikes they have on the side of the building sore okay but there rusting really badly, sorta. Then I got some tea (peppermint to be exact for my grandma told me it would help with a dry throat and it was anelping a lot) and beaded to the computer to check my email. I was only able to print a few things for mh homework assignment, saw thaw security guy ride one of the bikes around the lounge which was hilarious, then it was time for me to start walking to the bus stop so I could head to Michaels. Snagged another cup of peppermint tea, avoided the grass cutter guy for I hate the smell of fresh cut grass, and was loving the temperature outside. It wasn’t too cold or hot but just right. Yet I knew that it would change to a toast oven in a split second. Also while waiting I noticed tat the black jacket nest was finally destroyed that was chilling in the corner part of the stop. Now heres where she problem kicked in, remember I had that tea. I was waiting on the bus…… it never came at its time. Not even 10 minutes past there time, so I had to power walk or jog somewhatly to get back to the lounge just to go potty. Literally almost passed my pants but made it! An of course the surprises don’t end there, there were rocks in both sinks. At first I thought the leasing ladies did it to be creative or some brat just decided the sink needed fancy aroxks. I guessed right the first time, they were trying to be creative. So plan B it was, catch 360. Really didn’t want to for I had a feeling it would be late…. It was. Good thing I had my ipod on me to pass the time while waiting. Missed the first train, caught the next, made it to Lovers Lane, walked, and finally made it to Michaels. Now I have no idea how thwy do returns so I had to ask, sn boy oh boy was I surprised. It was the simplest thing ever! They just beep the item, beep my receipt, and give me back my money in cash! I’m like wow! $8.64 was returned to me. At this point I was debating weather to try an but what I needed or save it for food. Food. But I did ask about a few items I need for Rapid Visualization class since my teacher kept freaking bothering me about certain crap I still needed. Leaving out I called Asal’s to ask there prices an I may go there, plus I did call this library to find out when this reading and book signing would happen. For I need to get out this weekend and do something. I need to relax & not focus 100% of my life on nothing but homework and not taking a break. After the train ride and crossing the street half way I finally saw my friend Keia. Hadn’t seen her since I moved to Churchill. We talked about school & how we were twill we were hugged and greeted by Adrian who had to make sure she had my number. But I had to dash to class. Well before then I went to go say hi to a few people then was talking to the fruit bowl guy (I call him that cause a quarter ago I was talking to him while he was tracing a fruit bowl on the light table onto another piece of paper) I guess you can say I made more friends. Although I did say I didn’t want more, I was only lying. I’m too dang friendly for that lol. So talked to the few people I sit with in class about the assignment, had a few jokes, a new student came, then we got our assignment. We had to pick one of the building to pen tool. An yes this was suppose to really get us use to using the pen tool in Illustrator a lot! All the detail I had to do on this Samna house. All before break I managed to get the roof part and some of the bottom outlined. On break I tried to charge my 3DS, ate chips, bought pizza and apple juice, and talked to Keia & Randy for awhile. Also Randy gave me some good news that I was happy about and glad she could stop being impatient. Before we both headed back I wanted to see if the student supply store had anymore calligraphy pens left but they ran out of that an a few other things. They told me to try Asal’s. Lovely. I ended up ditch Randy half way with me walking her to class for I went to hug Gabby who felt playfully upset that I passed her up and ignored her lol. So, back in the chair that made my legs feel numb after two hours of sitting. It was literally silence somewhatly in class but wasn’t for we were all talking to one another. Yes, this one assignment was for the whole class and homework. Hell class even ended early but people still stayed to get a lot done lol. I stayed well hell I was done about the rime class was suppose to end. Felt so proud of myself! An to not waste time doing nothing an just going home I just decided to go ahead an print all of the references I needed for my two other homework assignments. Then before I rolled out of the school, I went to go see Nutella, Randy, and Rose in class and just say hi. Darn traffic! Made me miss the train so I had to wait til the next one thst looked like rush hour was crowding in from downtown. To my surprise when I go to the station the bus was there! Yes! No wait! But the bus driver who had a strong accent asked me a question that I did answer yet he confused himself. Then he kept talking to me just to explain to me why he asked if I had a reduced id for my monthly pass, I didn’t want to hear it, just wanted to make it home. Which I did, got more tea, an found Tartan cleaning things. So the rest of my evening consisted of: me cooking, my roommste wanting to watch a horror movie, we watched two, and I accidentally burnt the cinnamon rolls. Darn times on the container! Also with the smell of that & burnt cooking grease left an odd irritating smell! So we had to open windows, tirn fans on, and spray air freshener. Got it out but still stuffy, even when I got out the shower and noticed it was 12am of the next day! I was going to do an audio but I meddled the room door open for fresh air and the stuffy smells and feel to fo away. Well sorta night all, ill just be on Twitter for awhile then maybe black out.