Tuesday, December 28, 2010

lol 4got wat 2day was, wait now i rememba! :p

ok i was suppose 2 post this the day it happened..i barely rememba wat happened that day...well it was a sunday...yeah! a sunday, me, my cuzin, and his friend went to walmart so my cuzin culd but his ipod annd otha stuff to go wit it then we had complications when his mom called and said he need 2 return one of tha items he had an use his gift card 2 pay 4 it...i understood where hes mom was comin 4rm...she didnt want him spendin all his money lik that espically when he has a gift card, that idiot! we had 2 go all around tha world in walmart 4 help cuz it was so packed, but it all ended 2 a long line almost leadin outside tha double-doors. he's friend left him in line 2 go buy a drink (i was gettin tha feelin he wasnt comin bak until it was time 2 go), so yeah i left my cuzin too 2 go look at tha books. i found a book i wanted then bought it, i had bough 36sumtin dollas left (i had a 50dolla bill) so once i paid 4 my book,my cuzins friend paid 4 his drink, my cuzin was finally done! then we had 2 wait on my cuzins mom 2 come get us 2 tak us 2 gamestop. while we waited we kept tellin ppl that tha enterance door was workin and they had 2 use tha exit (i kept thinkin man it wuld b nice if they paid us) then finally afta waitin my aunt came and took us 2 gamestop, it was packed in there also! i only bought one game! then i was broke! my cuzin had 2 pay 4 me 2 get sumtin 2 ear off tha dolla menu sense i barely had money. an thats wat my mom had called me bought also! (oh i shuld hav mentioned this im not at home, im at my aunts house, i go home 2mmorrow) yea she didnt lik tha fact that otha ppl had 2 pay 4 me...she thought it was wrong of me 2 spend my money lik that! well i didnt spend it carelessly...but i got wat she meant...well i go home 2mmorrow..oh yeah im goin 2 tha movies also wit a friend since she bored..i didnt mind cuz i didnt hav anythin 2 do...well ttyl 4 now XD    ps: tha pics above is the book i bough and tha gamme i bought :)

Wednesday, December 22, 2010


phew! wat a long day! well thats 4 yesterday since its 2am sumtin in tha mornin here. i just jumped out of tha showa and tha bad thing is i hav 2 get up around close to 8am so i can get my hair braided; its my aunt xmas gift 2 me and my lil sis. well i got one xmas gift early MY NEW PHONE!!! yes i said it MY NEW PHONE!!! XD ive been toyin wit it since i got it activated (which toook 4eva cuz i was busy cookin and otha things; but wat rlt took me 4eva was puttin all tha contacts on there) so yea theres a pic of my phone, best part is its all touch screen! GOSH I LOVZ MY PHONE!!! XD oh if any of u may want my numba let me knos! :3  (ps i took tha pic wit my old phone since it was stiill active)

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Festival Of Lights!! (happened on friday) XD

hello all!!! i kno i shuld hav post this tha day it happened but i was tired when i got home 4rm this awesome field trip :) i culdnt post it saturday cuz i had chores, work on my reviews 4 finals (even though i kept gettin easily destracted 4rm workin), an today i can post it cuz i remembered 2 and im not bein lazy at tha moment. so any who i will tell u all about it! ( i will hav 2 shortin it cuz i hav 2 go to bed, mom doesnt lik me on tha computer all night, so if u think i didnt giv a lot of detail in it u kno why) ok so it was a gud crowd of us goin 2 moody gardens 2 c tha lights then ice skate or imax. so heres tha deal bout tha bus system; u rode tha yellow bus goin there u ride tha gud bus bak; u ride tha gud bus there u ride tha yellow bus bak! no one rly liked tha idea but we had no chose. so we got on tha bus (i was on tha gud bus) an we were off!! first we went 2 cicis 2 eat (i got a mini ggrim reaper toy!) plus i scared tha crap out of my friend jenny and chris screamin "ITS TIME 2 GO STOP MAKIN OUT!!" i lmao, XD so on tha ride 2 moody gardens it was loud!! but thank god 4 tha power of headphones. ok once we got there we got tha tickets then walked around 2 c tha lights!!! an omg! I WAS LIK A FREAKIN LIL KID THERE!!! XD i took pics of a lot of light figures!! it was a lot of fun just long!!! so durin my walk wit othas there my friend adrianna kept buggin me bout goin ice skatin b4 we leav, so we all had 2 run lik almost to tha beginnin 2 get 2 tha ice skatin ring. an u kno wat i told her this when i had 2 get her off tha ice NEVA TELL ME U WANT 2 GO ICE SKATIN CUZ UR NOT GONNA GO!!! U GOT IT!!! she was so terrified on tha ice i had 2 get on!! (after i swore 2 myself 2 neva get on afta my terrible childhood experince) but i got on to help a friend....i culdnt just leav her there. i took her one-tenth way maybe shorter of tha ring, but tha hard part was gettin her off...but sunhow we got her off. an u kno wat i wasnt all that scared 2 ice skate it was  fun 2 me :) but i was so tired in tha end, i stopped skatin when they said they needed a few minutes 2 clean tha ice. so i was lik thats it 4 me!!! i got a big pretzel and looked at tha rest of tha lights. so when i was done it was time 2 go, an get on tha yellow bus!!! it was a lot of fun cuz we kept singin kiddy songs...then one of tha adults got annoyed so it was mute time 4 us. then tha rest of tha way there my friend jesse kept tube harassin me!!! DO NOT ASK!!! >.< but otha then that i had fun on tha lil field trip b4 skool ended. well ttyl 4 now :)
P.S :

tha pics above r wat i took of tha lights there XD (i hav a lot more but i only wanted 2 post two of them)

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Rainin Puppies at my skool!! 0_0

all tha talk around skool has been bout those damn puppies hidden behind our skool!!! how did they get there? an why? u ask! well i will tell u. u c there use 2 be this white stray dog that just walked around tha grounds of our skool rite, no one bothered it and it didnt bother us so we feed it at times. then not that long ago tha skool called animal control on tha dog and they came and tranquilized it, also it had puppies! everyone in my skool said that tha dogs puppies were takin away but there were three hidden behind our skool! once sum ppl known this they wanted 2 get tha dogs 2 tak home and keep away 4rm animal controll! on wensday my friend marrisa got tha all black dog wit tha white paw ( tha dog was huge! lik a fur ball!) one down two 2 go! then yesterday on our way 2 tha park i spotted a dog under a bunch of pieces of broken wall or sumtin! i told everyone that was far bak as walkin as i was an got tha dog! sabrina named it nala or zala one of them names! she had called her mom 2 come get it but one of tha girls claimed it 4 her own and took it! wow wat a bitch huh, jkin. so she was mad but she tried not to wry bout it. then 2day my friend sakura got tha brown one, she named her sky! pretty name huh, if u were 2 hav seen tha dog. an my friend anna final got tha last puppy (she was dyiin 4 one, lol) it was all black wit a white spot! so yea there goes our rainin puppies! lol, now only 2more wks, one wk 2 review then next wk finals, then xmas break! CANT WAIT!!! XD     - ps thnx 2 those that commented my last post :) -

Sunday, November 21, 2010

My...life..is goin down hill.....wat shuld i do :(

well best way for u to understand my situation is if i start from tha beginnin, im lettin u kno now this is gonna b a long ass post, so try 2 b patient wit me cuz this is important. ok it all happened...a thursday..i had a soccer game. u c we were suppose 2 beat this team cuz tha last time we played them they only got 2points and we had none. just to giv u a heads up thats a gud thing in soccer. but no we were gettin our ass-kicked! we kept bunchin up together, no one rly ran 4 tha ball, and we just seemed 2 not b playin rite (i culdnt move that much 4 tha position i had on tha field) then tha first half ended and our goalie also shes our coach just went off on us!!! she was screamin this 2 tha coach (first she threw off her gloves) "I CANT PLAY WIT THIS TEAM!!! I JUST CANT!!! IDK WAT THA HELL THERE DOIN OUT THERE BUT THERE NOT THA TEAM I PLAYED WIT THA LAST TIME WE FACED THEM!!! I DONT EVEN WANT 2 GO TO CHAMPIONSHIP WIT THEM!!! WERE NOT EVEN A TEAM!!!!" for one i kno im a tomboy but i can b emotional at times, when i get mad i start 2 cry. yes i did cry my eyes out, i wanted 2 say a few words 2 my caaptain but i kno i culdnt. my friend anna came ova and told me 2 stay calm and it'll b ok. u cant play all pissed of ok, all i did was nod. it rly hurt me 2 hear her say that i kno that5 i sucked cuz i missed lik seven balls comin 2 me!!! i had the ball and in just 2seconds it was taken 4rm me. (fast fwd) so tha  game ended we lost, i grabbed my crap and started walkin 2 tha bus then i burst out cryin all ova again. my friend viv came ova and told me this " its ok aleria we'll get to play them again and we might---" once she said that lil sentenced i went off "FUCK IT VIVI!!! WAT DO U MEAN GO AGAINST THEM AGAIN!!!" then i sat on tha ground cryin......my teammates just passed me by not havin tha care 2 comfort me....except 4 anna....she sat next to cryin also then she say "let all out ok cuz u cant start a fight on tha bus" and turst me i let it all out!!!! i said everythin i culdnt say 2 my goalie outside. then lata on while sittin on tha bus my captain wanted 2 sing 2 me cuz she didnt kno y i was cryin...only anna knew...no one else. alrite one story down one 2 go. sry if i mite b borin u wit my terrible life at tha moment but if u think that was a bunch a bull listen to this. this happened yesterday, OH WAIT!!!! ON FRIDAY I WORE MY HARRY POTTER CLOAK 2 REPRESENT THA MOVIE COMIN OUT THAT DAY AND NO I DIDNT C IT, I DIDNT HAV ANY MONEY!!! :P ok so any who yesterday my mom was pissed off at me 4 not wakin up early enough 2 get my hair done ( i woke up at 1:20pmsumtin close to 1:30pm) my hair appoint was at 2pm. she was screamin at me on tha phone tha whole time!!! u think that was bad let me get 2 tha gud part. so im done gettin my hair done go home, half way start cleanin my room then stop cuz tha tinker bell movie was on, then this happened best way 2 sum this up. my  mom is tired of me she cant tak me anymore, if i cant do wat im told (chores wise) and anythin else at home im gettin kicked out!!! seriously!!! one more wrong doin and im out!!! not on tha streets but 2 my grandmas house 4 tha rest of tha skool year......but who knos how long i mite stay. all my mom did was scream and holler talkin bout she doesnt kno wat 2 do wit me and blah blah! then my grandma called and best way 2 sum this up SHES DISAPPOINTED IN ME, DEEPLY!!!!  so yeah....im hated by everyone now....an idk wat 2 do.....my mom is tryin her best 2 act as though nu10 happened.....but my family doesnt 4get stuff lik this....so i kept tellin myself imgoin 2 hell yesterday......i kept thinkin i shuldnt exist.....i shuld just die....i felt alone.......sakura-chan told me 2 pray on it........but i doubt that will help......all i can do is pretend 2 b happy again....so othas wont wry so damn much.........life sucks

Sunday, November 7, 2010


I HAD SO MUCH FUN 2DAY!!!!! XD for one i got so much stuff 4rm tha garage sale at tha carnival, just lik last year!!! i got a clown clock, a lock (it took me a while 2 learn how 2 unlock it but i got it), a book, a bear, two shirts, some motion detector camera, a sweater, A NEW DREAM CATCHER!!!!  ( sry but i lovz dreamcatchers!!) , and i got HP SORCERER AND THA STONE!!!! XD the thing is i cant watch it cuz its a tape not a dvd, an we dont hav anythin at home for tapes. i just wanted it cuz i didnt want anyone else to hav it, plus in a harry potter fan!!! cant wait till tha final movie comes out on november 19; its part one rly part two doesnt come out until july. well any who i hav a lot of food!!!! i had a funnel cake, nachos, a slushie, plus i won a whole gallon of soda!!! oh!!!! an also some graduatte seniors from last year came!! my big bro mark, my buddy matthew t., and hunter!!! it was nice 2 c them all again (mark comes 2 tha skool now and then). i got in jail, i was happy bout it cuz tha whole time last year i spent most of my time in jail!!! but i was ok this year i had food and a drink:)  yay me. i didnt win tha cake walk afta i went wit angie 2 get cake, wat a bummer. so rly afta all that i just went to go chill in tha room wit GUITAR HERO!!! XD it was tha hangout 4 us all. oh yeah then tha raffle started (i didnt sell any tickets) then afta that we had 2 clean tha skool. man that was tiresome. well thats all 4 2day ttyl  PS tha pic wit cherry blossoms is a flower festival pic, i chose it cuz it looked awesomz XD

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

A tragedy occurred, it affected our whole skool :(

this one will be short cuz their's not much 2 say. one of our teachers Mrs/ Bates passed away at 12:30am 2day. when we heard this on an emergency announcement, i felt bad 4 our princippal becuz that was her daughter, she's still in tha hospital 4rm surgery cuz she had breast cancer, and i mostly feel sry 4 tha students that had her class!!! she was very nice person, i didnt hav her 4 a classs but i wuld always tell her gud mornin when i c her in tha office an she wuld say gud mornin wit a smile. i will miss that gud mornin she always told me :( there tryin2 hav her funeral saturdat and tha carnival still goin on on sunday, when i found this out i just felt depressed 4 a while, but i knew i had 2 keep a smile on my face at all times. man, i will miss Mrs.Bates :(

Tuesday, October 26, 2010


well 2day it shall be short cuz me tired and i hav 2 get up in tha mornin. me sry our team went against st. thomas apistical!!!! yay rite!!! i didnt rly move that much in tha game (well tha first half at least) tha second half i was finally movin!!!and i got hit in tha face wit tha ball also,it felt lik crap!!!! but  i had a lot of fun and a great experince u kno, ive done track and basketball but this was sum10 new and more enjoyable. even though everyone (almost) on our team said we sucked, i didnt think so. i thought we all did our best an we were all just BAD-ASS!!! OKZ!!!! XD so i didnt care wat anyone said 2 us, i meaan at least were playin!!! most teams cant play cuz their players arrent doin there class work, servin detentions, or rly just doin wat you hav 2 do at skool 2 pass and play tha game!!! well i thought we were awesomz!!! ugh! staandford 10 yet again our lasst day rly. oh i wore my harry potter cloak i found at my grandma house 2 skool, dont ask why. i just wanted 2 ok, an im surprised i didnt get in trouble 4 it. well ttyl 4 now my friends :) oh i was number 34!!! XD

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Got my computer and had fun at KIMA!!!!! XD

hi hi!!!! well ok this wkend wasnt discipline wkend i guess...hey i got my computer though!!! XD but its late so i'll sum it up rly short 4 u okz!!!! we went on all tha rides at kima except the merry go round!!!! :( went on tha ride called tha bullet twicw upon my own will cuz i was stuck on tha ride sumhow!!!! oh we had a techno bus rave on tha way 2 kim and bak whhen we had lifesavers (star wars) it wwas a lot of fun. ok thats all i can tell u hav 2 get up in tha mornin!! sry!!! in tha pick is chris (sakura's bf), sakura, dani, and lil nicco!!! i took tha pic (its from left 2 right) ttyl 4 now!!! LOVZ U FOLLOWERS!!! XD

Friday, October 22, 2010

Yesterday's College Day and my weekend of discipline

        ok first hello all sry i probably havnt been postin comments on ppls blogs as usual but ive been busy a lot!!! ok let me sum things up becuz i will not hav my computer at all this weekend becuz i'll be at my grandmothers house. awesome rite!!!! NO!!!! ive benn actin up ay home sumtin bout me hollerin at my lil sis (i do talk calmly 2 her she just dont listen) and me not doin my chores (no comment) so until i do all of them no more field trips or probably nu10 else ever  *i hav a field trip 2mmorrow 4 kima!!!! an it will b my last :(  *  so yeah im goin ova their 2 b worked 2 death, no happy toe-shoes fun 4 me at all. ok summarizing yesterday!!! my coach did a belly fflop on tha ball (that was funny), a matrix spin kick 2 block tha ball 4rm goin into tha goal were protecting, and tha boys coach (Mr. Kargou) did sumwat of a split, but who knos i still laughed at him. then i went straight bak 2 tha skool got dressed up 4 college night (dress to impress baby!!! XD), then when everyone was their i went 2 every table (just lik last year) and signed up 4 each one, (tha only one tha interested me was tha art institute), and i just took sum tests on tha computer till my ride came. so thats it 4 now!!! so no i wont b tellin u about my discipline weekend cuz i kno its gonna b terrible. ALSO!!!! I HAV A GAME NXT TUESDAY!!!!! YAYZ MY TEAM, LOL!!! XD  PS IM GONNA MISS MY COMPUTER SO MUCH!!!! T-T

Monday, October 18, 2010

10-16/10-17 Summing up the first day and only day of camp??? wat a load of crap!!! :)

im gonna shortin things here of wat happened during saturaday and sunday rite now. ok saturday me and my lil cuzins went hikin in tha woods by ourselves (we werent scared, it was durin tha day, lol) we found a trail, a river that lead 2 a water fall, heard a lot of annoying animals (mostly birds that i wanted 2 shot wit my cuzins bebe gun and cook it) they said they seen coyotes earlier. then lata on we went fishin! :) i kinda missed up tha pole a lot, i was walkin bearfoot so i culd b one wit tha indian camp grounds,lol. i even got in tha lake and fish too, i was enjoyin myself :) even though i didnt catch crap!!! my lil cuzin and surprisingly my mom caught one!!! SHE DOESNT EVEN KNO HOW 2 FISH BUT SHE GOT ONE!!! it was a surprise 2 use all. afta that bak 2 tha cabin took showers and chilled. had smores some of their friends drove all tha way out their 2 come hang out (i guess they started 2 drive early knowin how farr it was 4rm texas) so they stayed until lik 1am or so. i was in tha tent listenin 2 music cuz i wasn't sleepy at all, my lil sis and my otha lil cuzin were knocked out. so once tha ppl left me and my otha cuzin wit his bebe gun stayeed up slmost all nite patrollin cuz we kept hearin crap!!! he had he's gun i had empty beer bottles, lol. so once it was close to 3am we decided 2 go 2 bed. then once i woke tha next day we were all packin up!!! now im gonna sum it up!!!! so we packed a lil, i went in tha woods 2 find huge wood and figured out im RLY STRONG!!!! im bringin in these lik huge pieces lik tha bottom part u kno tha rly big part of trees 2 tha cabin, huge branches and stuff!!!! everyone was surprised that  i carried that 4rm tha woods 2 tha cabin!! SO WAS I!!!! afta that wwe strted a fire added pine needles 2 mak tha fire bigger it was awesome!!!! oh and also on saturday nite we made green, yellow, and purple fire!! it was cool. so anyways afta that i went inside tha cabin and fell asleep p.s. i did my homework also at camp, i kno crazy rite tryin 2 b one wit nature. then afta probably a 3hour nap cuz thats wat it felt lik everything was packed on tha trucks and we were off!! bye-bye indian camp grounds!!!! of course it was a long way home, got home late, then i said i was one wit nature alrite cuz im sore all ova!!! so i just took a nice hot bath then went 2 bed. we went grocery shoppin on monday cuz rly we had nu10 in tha refrigerator lik at all!!!!! ttyl 4 now my friends XD

10-15-10 italain festiaval and camping trip also BEGINS!!!

(before u read this i shall let u kno i culdnt post this on 10-15-10 cuz i was doin hw and packin 4 camp we didnt leav home till 11pm sumtin then got to tha camp site at 2am, an i had no signal 4 my computer or phone T-T)
boy oh boy 2day was random and very tasteful :) ok lets start 4rm the mornin cuz it was funny. so once i got 2 skool my mind was mostly on my english test cuz i didnt kno if it was 4 a major grade or not. so lik once i got there i went 2 my english teacher classroom (got 2 skool around 7:55am, early 4 once) i was mr. bartely (he's a awesome english teacher ok a lil betta then the one i had last year) we need 2 hav a student and teacher conference, he's lik ok..bout wat?! so i tell him my situation on my field trip and he says u can tak it on monday im lik awesomz!!!! thnz mr.bartely (he's test are easy u just need 2 rememba thats all). once i left his classroom my friends were in tha hallway tryin 2 do italian homework (i neva hav tha eager 2 do it, but i pass her class, yay me) so while they work and argue and crap i asked this freshman kid that was sittin wit us if i culd wear his ring. he's lik sure, im tryin it on every finger, so it finally fits on my thumb. now here's where tha problem starts my play-mom madeline wants tha ring, im lik NO!!!! :p so she attacks me!!!! were lik both fittin in tha hall next thing i kno we were in an acquired possition. i was up against tha walll she was on me lik crazy almost RIPPED MY FINGER OFF TRYIN 2 GET THA RING!!!!but i dont giv 4 crap!!! oh yeah!!!! and then a student passes by and says wat r yall doin?! i said a new sex position called THA RING TOSS!!!!! he laughed and said nice :) then my PE teacher passes by wit his eyes all wide lik wat r tyall doin???!!! i said were learnin a new wrestlin mov 2 neva try at skool, lol then tha otha problem while she's puttin her weight on me im sum how formin a split!!!! i dont kno how 2 split!!!! IT HURT LIK HELL!!!!!!!!!! T-T then my friend sakura is lik I WANNA JOIN!!! XD im lik oh shit!!! sso lik both of their weights are on me im in PAIN!!!! then when my play-mom tells sakura of wats up she's all in for it!!! im lik WTH!!!!! nxt thing i kno im on tha carpet (rememba in thaa hallway plus near a classroom wit tha door open, boy we were loud as fuck!!! ) so they tak my arm lik all tha way bak, SERIOUSLY THEY DID!!!! i was all screamin GET THA FUCK OFF!!!! so i gav when it felt as though they popped sumtin. so yeah im layin in tha hall lik a dead body, a lot of ppl just went around me (this just shows a lot of students that hav been at tha skool longer than me kno otha kids do stupid shit in tha mornin) until my geometry teacher passes by and says did u not get enough sleep last nite? gosh i wuldnt expect students 2 sleep in tha hallway. i rly said nu10 cuz i was in 2 much damn pain. then i was lik im gonna call my psycho brotha and ask him 2 help me up, but i was 2 late! this asshole comes out of no wher and stomps on me!!!! of course in already in bad shape so i dont giv a damn. afta that lets c i finally got up, had gum, then got a lecture 4rm tha PRE-AP sSTUDENTS WHO WERE WORKIN!!!! I kinda felt bad but they shuld hav closed tha door anyways when we started 2 get rly loud. so afta bein my psycho bro's slave 2 tak his bakpak 2 class, i headed 2 biology all speedy shit fast!!!! then i was lik y am i racin 2 class shes not even their yet!!!! but once our biology teacher was their and i was in tha class, my happy two shoes attitude went down lik 96% when i found out i failed her test, lik badly!!!!. im not tell u tha grade but its betta than a zero, she said we can retake it on monday durin our homeroom period tha second part (5th period is homeroom period, its when we do lik homework or worked we missed) so im thinkin ok all is gud till we havv homework, no surprise we always hav homework. then i hav geometry and i get homewwork only lik six problems to do. ok lets fast fwd 2 tha festival!!! XD  ok so we got their 2 tha festival (by tha way it was at st. thomas university) we paid our 4dollas 2 sista mai then we were off!!! ok i was bein a bit of a fat ass!!! i ate on slice of there peperoni pizza and i was lik so set!!!! their pizza slices were HUGE!!!! i ate lik two of them then guess wat???????!!!!!! I GOT A FUCKIN KONOLI!!!!!!!!!! MAN THERE BAD-ASS!!!!!! XD i was so in lov wit those!!!!  then afta that me and my friend deseiree went to look at tha tables. they had necklaces, bracelets, candles, hats, flutes, lil dolls, etc. afta searchin around we then signed up 4 a chance 2 win 49thousand dollas and i won a free apatizer 4 tha day it expires 12/31/10. so lets c i went serachin 4 a suvinor. i got this BAD-ASS AND I MEAN A BAD-ASS NECKALACE, I GOT A BLUE MONKEY!!!!,     OH!!! thats it cuz i was broke afta that T-T thats wat i get 4 bein a fat ass, lol. ok fast fwd, then b4 we left we got interviewed by channel39 news!!!! yay us!!! XD Fast fwd again!!! (man i lovz this fast fwd button!!! lol) ok were on tha rode to livingston, tx!!!!!!!!!!! IT'S FUCKIN FAR AS HELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! we were lost bout more than five damn times findin tha camp site cuz were driven on a dark ass rode no damn street lights nu10!!!!! but finally we made it when sumones phone got a damn signal, 2 call 4 directions!!!!!! so yeah we drive 2 tha cabin, it was small :/ i went rite 2 sleep cramped on one matteress bed wit four otha kids!!!!!!! so i was lik a snadwich up against tha wall!!!! but i went 2 sleep. i wonder wat awaits us 2mmorrow, ttyl 4 now. damn thats a long post, lmao!!!!!!!!! XD BY THA WAY THA CANNOLIS ARE AWESOMZ!!!!!!!!!!!! XD

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


hello all!!! today 9th, 10th, 11th, but not 12th were testing all mornin until lunch. their were 5sections and out of those five i only fully completed one. no i wasnt bein lazy, i was daydreamin, duh! plus i didnt rly understand most of the words plus it just straight up bored tha crap out of me since i didnt get it. so teah afta all that we just went to 6th, 7th, and 8th period. in 7th period we had a sub today!!!! YAY!!!! plus my friend jessley brought tha last of her pizza and i was happy to get tha first slice!! XD but pissed of cuz my friend dani kept sprayin me wit so-called holy water. it gets betta!!!! so yay skools out rite afta 8th period of course, so lik iwas waitin lik 4eva on my ride 2 come but happy i was their longer!!! my friend penguin (sabrina) bought pizza, it was good thing i came out 2 c if my ride was there i wuld hav been out of luck!!! she's a nice friend ^_^ ok then tha bad shit!!!!!! so me, my bro, my cuzin had our hopes up 2 go 2 a haounted house even my step-dad but thir wasnt any open durin tha week!!!!! WAT A LOAD OF CRAP!!!!!! so we just went 2 tha movies and watched resident evil: after life, it was ok but i think tha ones b4 it were way betta, no offense i almost fell asleep through it. blah!!!! two more days until tha wkend thank god!!! oh wish me luck i got two test 2mmorrow one i'll pass wit an A, tha otha close 2 a B.  ttyl  :P

Friday, October 8, 2010

what happened on crazy day, twin day, and 2day

first of IM SICK!!!!!!!!! I WOKE UP THIS MORNIN!!! I CULDNT BARELY TALK, I WAS SORE ALL OVER I CULD BARELY MOVE, AND MY NOSE IS STOPPED UP!!!! AN NOTHIN HAS GOTTIN BETTA THAT MUCH!!!! I TOOK AT LEAST 2HOT BATH 2 HELP THA SORENESS AND MEDICINE 4 MY COUGH AND SNEEZIN!!!!! MY NOSE IS STILL STOPPED UP LIK CRAZY AND I STILL ACHE!!! T-T so this must b short cuz im sleepy. ok on crazy day i was so out their!!!! some ppl told me i look lik a wanna b gansta / hobo begin 4 money, othas said im a wanna b superhero, but they mostly said i was CULTURALLY CONFUSSED!!! LOL!!! XD on twin day i found my ferternal twin (my friend tiff) we were sumwat wearin striped blue or wateva but yeah it was fun as always, also we had a blood drive!!! AN NO I DIDNT GIV BLOOD!!!! im not mean its just that I HATE NEEDLES!!! >.< an of courser u kno wat happened 2day, but 2 mak things worse. i wanted 2 just stay in bed all day but my mom said ur not that sick at 12in tha afternoon i want u 2 start help clean!!! yeah company was comin ova. i felt even more worse then usual movin so much. 4 my stopped off nose, ITS PISSIN ME OFF!!!! i want 2 sleep peacefully 2nite not tryin 2 gasp in air though my mouth cuz i hav two clogged drains!!!! its so annnoyin!!! my moms friend tried a few this to clear a passage way through my nose 2 breathe, it sumwat helped BUT ITS STILL STOPPED UP!!!!! I CAN TAK ANYTHIN ELSE IN CATCH A COLD OR SUMTIN BUT A STUFFY NOSE MITE KILL ME!!! WELL IM TIRED!!! so ttyl. sry 4 all tha caps, lol :) oh in tha pic of me and tha chick in my hat is my gud buddy Frane she's awesome. tha otha pic is twin day, me an my ferternal twin. an i pic of sickness. :/

Tuesday, October 5, 2010


2day was hilarious!!!! an yet again i didnt tak pictures T-T!!!!!! WHAT A LOAD OF CRAP!!!!!!!! it was just so back their, everyone were dressed as skool kids 4rm tha past, hippies, rockers, and i rly dont kno wat most ppl were dressed as but sumtin of tha past i guess :/ we all had a lot of fun!!! i just wore a striped black and white shirt, my buckles all on tha side jeans, and my black boots. i wanted 2 b a hippie but i just said i was a random kid of tha Addams Family!!! OMG!!!!! U WONT BELIVE WAT HAPPENED AT SOCCER PRACTICE!!!! 0_0 ok we had 2  jog as a class 2 tha old skool our skool use 2 hav 2 use the field and goals 2day, yay!!! NOT!!!! we were suppose 2 jog as a group but that didnt happen, practice started late, and also i left my phone in my friends bag that was in my coach's car that was headin bak 2 tha skool!!! it didnt click 2 me bout my phone until we were crossin tha bridge 2 go down a street 2 tha skool that i needed 2 call my ride!!! lucky my friend Lauren wasn't at tha skool yet so i got my phone!!! cuz coach said he wuld drive bak 2 tha park we started 4rm 2 giv Lauren her bag cuz her car keys were in it, but he went straight 2 tha skool. so Lauren took tha long way 2 tha park, coach wasn't there, she had 2 jog up tha long road 2 tha skool, to catch our coach b4 he left 2 get her bag. she wasn't happy at all, poor lauren. oh!!! an my friend Vanessa had left her Skelanimal monkey at skool so i put it in my bag and i'll giv it 2 her 2mmorrow. 2MMORROW IS CRAZY/TACKY DAY!!!!!!!!!!! XD im wearin men's clothin all mitch-match!!!! man i cant wait :)  

Monday, October 4, 2010


today i went all out their!!!! i wore a robe, my monkey pj's, my black sleepers, i took a blanket, and my ADORABLE PANDA PILLOW PET!!!! XD I MEAN NO ONE WULD LEAVE HIM ALONE!!!!!!! everyone wanted 2 hold him and touch how soft he was, it was a lil irritatin but i survived. my friend sakura stole it 4rm me earlier this mornin!!! man i had 2 chase her all around skool!!!! oh i did surve my detention it was borin as hell!!!! as usual!!! so lik everyone was dressed up, only two teachers were dressed out all the others were in work attire. thanks 4 showin ur spirit dudes, lol. not that many ppl were there 2day, one of my teachers was absent, barely had homework, and soccer was brutal as ever!!! yeah wat a awesome day, but i didnt get a chance 2 tak pictures T-T  oh and i 4got some football player came and gav us a speech bout his life and a christian he has that helps teens wit problems or addictions they hav (i think thats wat its bout i was mostly half-sleep) so yeah 2day was great cant wait until 2mmorrow its BAK 2 THA FUTURE (WEAR SUMTIN 4RM THA PAST) YEAH!!!! dont ask thats just how my principal is ok, lol. oh an were doin a blood drive soon at my skool. im not givin cuz i hate needles, case closed. well ttyl, until 2mmorrow XD


today i went all out their!!!! i wore a robe, my monkey pj's, my black sleepers, i took a blanket, and my ADORABLE PANDA PILLOW PET!!!! XD I MEAN NO ONE WULD LEAVE HIM ALONE!!!!!!! everyone wanted 2 hold him and touch how soft he was, it was a lil irritatin but i survived. my friend sakura stole it 4rm me earlier this mornin!!! man i had 2 chase her all around skool!!!! oh i did surve my detention it was borin as hell!!!! as usual!!! so lik everyone was dressed up, only two teachers were dressed out all the others were in work attire. thanks 4 showin ur spirit dudes, lol. not that many ppl were there 2day, one of my teachers was absent, barely had homework, and soccer was brutal as ever!!! yeah wat a awesome day, but i didnt get a chance 2 tak pictures T-T  oh and i 4got some football player came and gav us a speech bout his life and a christian he has that helps teens wit problems or addictions they hav (i think thats wat its bout i was mostly half-sleep) so yeah 2day was great cant wait until 2mmorrow its BAK 2 THA FUTURE (WEAR SUMTIN 4RM THA PAST) YEAH!!!! dont ask thats just how my principal is ok, lol. oh an were doin a blood drive soon at my skool. im not givin cuz i hate needles, case closed. well ttyl, until 2mmorrow XD

Saturday, October 2, 2010

thought i was goin on GUD STREAK!!!

well aint this a load of crap!!! i thought i was doin rly gud till i got a detention 4 cursin in class. got to surve it early in the mornin (7:15am) i hav 2 b their b4 that time or im screwed!!!! i thought i wuld hav gotten a detention 4 a tarty not cursin!!! everybody curses, i didnt curse out a teacher i just used a curse word in tha sentence i said. oh well, rly no oh well. i told my mom (i neva told her last year bout my otha detentions) she flipped out. she was so surprised (not in a gud way either) so she took my phone and laptop away cuz i wuldnt brush my mouth wit soap. i thought she was crazy 4 that one....i mean that was way out their. so yeah she took it away 4rm me then i got it bak 2day cuz i did my chores and homework. (i hate homework on the weekends, but i do it anyways) hm...oh bout my week, totally 4got, lol. 9/27/10: soccer was cut short cuz it wasnt that many girls so i went 2 movie club afta practice 2 watch star trak went my psycho bro and my friend kate.  9/28/10: got hit rly hard in my forehead wit tha soccer ball, full impact!!! it hurt lik hell!! :P   9/29/10: my mom bought me yan yan's it was similar 2 poky but u got 2 dip tha stick in chocolate (man that sounded so wrong, lol) 9/30/10: nu10 specail happened. and 10/1/10: got my detention. oh!!!!!! at my skool next week is spirit week!!! its when we hav spirit or sumtin, but we wear different stuff each day. MONDAY: PAJAMA DAY!!!!! TUESDAY: BAK 2 THA FUTURE  WENSDAY:CRAZY TACKY DAY  THURSDAY:TWIN DAY  FRIDAY:SKOOL SPIRIT DAY!!!! I CANT WAIT!!!! XD i'll keep u guys posted on everyday if i can kz :)  

thought i was goin on a good streak

well aint this a load of crap!!! i thought i was doin rly gud till i got a detention 4 cursin in class. got to surve it early in the mornin (7:15am) i hav 2 b their b4 that time or im screwed!!!! i thought i wuld hav gotten a detention 4 a tarty not cursin!!! everybody curses, i didnt curse out a teacher i just used a curse word in tha sentence i said. oh well, rly no oh well. i told my mom (i neva told her last year bout my otha detentions) she flipped out. she was so surprised (not in a gud way either) so she took my phone and laptop away cuz i wuldnt brush my mouth wit soap. i thought she was crazy 4 that one....i mean that was way out their. so yeah she took it away 4rm me then i got it bak 2day cuz i did my chores and homework. (i hate homework on the weekends, but i do it anyways) hm...oh bout my week, totally 4got, lol. 9/27/10: soccer was cut short cuz it wasnt that many girls so i went 2 movie club afta practice 2 watch star trak went my psycho bro and my friend kate.  9/28/10: got hit rly hard in my forehead wit tha soccer ball, full impact!!! it hurt lik hell!! :P   9/29/10: my mom bought me yan yan's it was similar 2 poky but u got 2 dip tha stick in chocolate (man that sounded so wrong, lol) 9/30/10: nu10 specail happened. and 10/1/10: got my detention. oh!!!!!! at my skool next week is spirit week!!! its when we hav spirit or sumtin, but we wear different stuff each day. MONDAY: PAJAMA DAY!!!!! TUESDAY: BAK 2 THA FUTURE  WENSDAY:CRAZY TACKY DAY  THURSDAY:TWIN DAY  FRIDAY:SKOOL SPIRIT DAY!!!! I CANT WAIT!!!! XD i'll keep u guys posted on everyday if i can kz :)  

Thursday, September 23, 2010


OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i im lik so so so so sry my followers that i hav not been on blogger in lik ages!!!! but ive been so busy wit skool, and soccer practice of course, and tryin my best 2 keep my grades up so i wont fail and so i can play sports. so let me giv u tha update of wats been goin on!!!! ok on 9/17/10: i got my physical 4 soccer (i hated it) cuz they took three tubes of blood 4rm me sumtin bout HISD crap!!! let me remind u i hate needles!!! just lik i hates ants!!! so anyways yeah got that my new glasses and my hair braided so it can last longer while i play sports. an also i was bein kicked outt of tha house cuz so ppl wanted tha house 2 them selves, it took me 4eva cuz all my friends were freakin busy!!! but my friends sakura let me stay at her house 4 tha nite so it was all gud. 9/22/10: at soccer practice i was lik an NFL quarter back!!! thats a gud thing, cuz my coach told me 2 get more serious and tough so i was XD  an 2day was HUGABLE DAY OR FREE HUGS DAY!!!!! i wore a sign sayin free hugs but this new teacher that i dont kno and hav no care 4 took it 4rm me. rly she had no rite cuz i didnt get in trouble 4 it. so thats all thats been goin on so far...OH!!!! THA ANIME CLUB ME AND MY FRIENDS MADE IS STARTIN 2MMORROW!!!! YAY!! we decided 2 just watch a movie ( Spirited Away) and hav snacks then next friday tha fun stuff starts!! XD ok just a lil heads up if im not on 4 a while its cuz of soccer practice and homework or that i failed a class ( probably geometry or biology those are my first two periods of tha day and i was close 2 failin those this week) and my laptop was takin by my mom and i cant get it bak until my grade goes up. so plz dont hate me 4 not tellin u wats goin on ova hear in texas!!! ok!!! im tryin!!! skool is just a pain rite now!!! so wish me luck that i pass and i can get on more often well ttyl 4 now everyone!!! XD


OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i im lik so so so so sry my followers that i hav not been on blogger in lik ages!!!! but ive been so busy wit skool, and soccer practice of course, and tryin my best 2 keep my grades up so i wont fail and so i can play sports. so let me giv u tha update of wats been goin on!!!! ok on 9/17/10: i got my physical 4 soccer (i hated it) cuz they took three tubes of blood 4rm me sumtin bout HISD crap!!! let me remind u i hate needles!!! just lik i hates ants!!! so anyways yeah got that my new glasses and my hair braided so it can last longer while i play sports. an also i was bein kicked outt of tha house cuz so ppl wanted tha house 2 them selves, it took me 4eva cuz all my friends were freakin busy!!! but my friends sakura let me stay at her house 4 tha nite so it was all gud. 9/22/10: at soccer practice i was lik an NFL quarter back!!! thats a gud thing, cuz my coach told me 2 get more serious and tough so i was XD  an 2day was HUGABLE DAY OR FREE HUGS DAY!!!!! i wore a sign sayin free hugs but this new teacher that i dont kno and hav no care 4 took it 4rm me. rly she had no rite cuz i didnt get in trouble 4 it. so thats all thats been goin on so far...OH!!!! THA ANIME CLUB ME AND MY FRIENDS MADE IS STARTIN 2MMORROW!!!! YAY!! we decided 2 just watch a movie ( Spirited Away) and hav snacks then next friday tha fun stuff starts!! XD ok just a lil heads up if im not on 4 a while its cuz of soccer practice and homework or that i failed a class ( probably geometry or biology those are my first two periods of tha day and i was close 2 failin those this week) and my laptop was takin by my mom and i cant get it bak until my grade goes up. so plz dont hate me 4 not tellin u wats goin on ova hear in texas!!! ok!!! im tryin!!! skool is just a pain rite now!!! so wish me luck that i pass and i can get on more often well ttyl 4 now everyone!!! XD

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Finally picked up my violin XD

this will be a short one! oh my day was just a day nu10 gud happened..not that i rememba...ok well anyways im dedicating 2day as tha day i finally picked up my violin in months 2 practice it so yay me. why did i wait so long? IM A LAZY ASS MUSICIAN Y DO U THINKI WAITED!!!!! LMAO!!! im teachin myself 2 play tha theme some from my fav show well tha openin theme and i'll try my best 2 practice everyday!!! oh and since we hav no skool friday i'll practice all weekend, MAN IT FEELS GUD 2 PLAY AGAIN!!! XD

Monday, September 13, 2010

yesterday and today was AWESOMZ!!!! XD

alrite i dont kno how long this post will b so lets find out! lol! ok on sunday i went to my uncles house cuz their was a football game and they were cookin crabs (snow crabs my fav) and BBQ. i rly just wanted 2 c my new friend that i made pj, she so kool!!! but i culdnt go ova 2 her house yet she need permission 4rm her dad, so shw was waitin 4 him 2 come bak. so i just got on my lil cuzins laptop lookin at funny youtube videos until she finally came ova and said hey! i was lik omg u literally walked across tha street 2 get me and in this HEAT!!!! she was wearin a black and red dress wit black boots on so i had a feelin she mite be hot. so i went  ova 2 her house went 2 her room 2 chillax i told her bro chris hi! he was surprised 2 c me but he looked alil half sleep 2 me. so she showed me all over vampire books she had (cuz tha  first time i came 2 her house i didnt rly pay any attention 2 tha books on her shelves but now i am), played monopoly (she had a limited edition one so tha pieces were lik fuckin gold, how bad-ass is that), then afta lik an hour an i think she was winnin i slammed a book in tha middle of tha game and said SNACK TIME!!!! she laughed when i did that so we had toaster stroodle!!! this was my first time eatin eat cuz my mom buys pop-tarts and we had chocolate milk. then my moms friends called sayin they were ready 2 go, pj was lik no!!!! i was gosh damn it!!!! so once i had my stuff and came down stairs he calls again sayin nevamind were stayin a lil longer......I HATE IT WHEN THEY DO THAT!!!!! so me and pj just decided 2 watch a vampire movie downstairs and a couple of episodes of buffy tha vampire slayer we kept talkin bout spike tha whole damn episode, lol. then thats when they called again and were serious and said they were ready 2 go. so pj i think let me borrow or hav this funny vampire book that she culdnt exactly understand at all, i thought it was funny though. so i said my gudbyes and went home. ok for 2day i was still complain bout tha heat outside IT WAS TERRIBLE!!!!! at PE i said it and walkin 2 tha park 4 practice i said it!!!! i was sweatin rly fast lik every minute that passed by it felt i was to close 2 passin out!!!! practice was fun we just ran mostly, learned our teammates names (even though i dont remeber except tha ppl i kno 4rm last year this year wit all these new kids no), and passin tha ball. even though i sumwat complained i tried not 2 or my friend Rin wuld run me over wit her car!! or i just get punched by kassy wit wateva strength she had left afta practice. but i kno once we got 2 tha skool i was happy!!!! AC AND COLD WATER CAN MAK ANY KID HAPPY!!! cuz it made me happy!!! we hav practice on mondays, tuesdays, and thursdays. hm so that means i can still do go to tha otaku-club we made then on fridays!!!! yayz me well ttyl 4 now i hav 2 go 2 sleep now XD

Thursday, September 9, 2010

I...felt..lost and alone.......i culdnt find my way :(

ok i kno my title seems depressin but im ook now. herees tha short version of tha story well as my friend put it it was just me growing up....i called her 4 help cuz i didnt kno wat was wrong wit me..i cried while talkin..but i found out i was cryin over nothin. i told her i felt so lost....an for tha past few days in class i felt so forgetful...bout that and otha things 2....got in trouble wit mom, gav me a lecture...it felt as though i had everythin on my shoulders alon wit no help and their was nu10 i culd do bout it.....i told my friend sakura-chan bout my problem of forgettin, me not wanted 2 do my work as usual, and problems at home. she told me that ive been workin 2 hard and my brain was probably tellin me 2 tak a break and that i need 2 talk 2 my mom bout my problems and how i feel...........but i cant.......i havnt told her anythin in  tha past y start now? i wass always focused on makin gud grades and passin...ive been doin it my whole damn life....my mom told me when i was younger that i shuld focus on skool and that books were my only friend...when i told sakura-chan that she said my mom shuld understand im still a kind and i sshould try not 2 push myself so hard...she says my brain is probably tellin me 2 relax for a while and hav fun lik a kid shuld...i do at times...afta skool wit friend but afata words its tha books for me.....i told her i was avoidin on talk 2 my mom bout anythin i dontwant her 2 kno...but im ok now i dont feel sad, depressed, or havin that feelin i lost my way anymore....im ok....but im just so curious for how long i can keep this so called im ok and everythin is dandi act......i hope for a long time......well um ttyl 4 now i guess :/

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Made a new friend

its 10minutes to 4am, i'll try 2 mak it quick i made a new friend yesterday her name is pj. she graduated 4rm tha Philippines in high skool, did i mention shes only 16 lik me!!!! i kno kool huh. my uncle introduced me 2 her when i went over to his house for fish and shrimp, he told me when i met her and she told me she liked that anime stuff i thought of u. once we started talkin it felt lik we were tha best of friends, even though we were talkin in tha middle of tha street, lol. we kept movin from one side then tha middle of tha street then tha otha side we were just doin tha most craziest things 2gether. then i went 2 go c her room, its so freakin awesomz!! she liks 2 dress in dark colors lik me and her room is dark too but wit fluorescent lights that maks her stuff glow!!! it was so kool!!! i was lik i want one in my room!!! soo she let me watch two of tha videos she made for tokyo mewmew and vampire knight. since she just moved here not that long ago she doesnt kno that much about texas or a lot of anime showss either i told her told i culd help her if she wanted 2 kno more. then my mom calls and says shes ready 2 go she has 2 get up in tha mornin i was so sad cuz pj felt lik a sister 2 me already she was lik a twin i never had. but when i came down stairs my mom was still talkin, pj's dad came ova and asked if we were havin fun i said yes but my mom said we hav 2 go. he told us we culd go bak in tha house and hang out some more cuz they were tryin 2 keep my mom destracted so we culd hang out more. funny thing happened out of tha blue pj said hey i wonder if my dad checked tha mail? he probably 4got. i payed her no mind until she asked her dad bout it he said no so she was lik come on aleria lets go get tha mail. i said its 1am!!!! ur supose 2 hav gotten ur mail early!! i told her she was tha first person 2 ask me 2 tag along 2 go get mail at 1am in tha mornin. so afta that we came bak outside in tha street again talkin until my mom was 4 sure this time, we had 2 leave so i quickly gav her my phone and she gav me hers, once i got in tha car i was txtin lik crazy. so yeah i had a lot of fun 2day even though 2 my friends sweet 15. she rly wanted me 2 go....hope shes not made at me?! ttyl 4 now XD

Made a new friend XD

ok its lik 3minutes to 3:40am where i leave so i made this new friend yesterday, lol. i was at my uncles house cuz they were cookin seafood so i just rode on my ripstik wit my lil cuzins for hours then went on a so called "haunted trail" tha only thing that trail did was mak my shoes dirty. so afta that i went bak 2 tha house then played tha wii then went bak outside. thats when i met her pj!! she told me she was 16 and she graduated 4rm high skool  in tha Philippines, she had just moved 2 houston, tx not that long ago. my uncle told me when he found out she 

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Guess wat?! no seriously guess :)

ok this one is gonna be a short one, first of course HELLOZ ALLZ!!! ( i lovz addin z's at tha end of my words). second i might change my skull candy pic back into ikuto cuz i miss him already. ok heres tha news....wait did u guess???? of course u didnt lol. i signed up 4 SOCCER PRACTICE 2DAY!!! YAYZ!!!!! i kno it mite noe seem all tha excitin...wait wat am i kinda HELLZ YEAH!! IM EXCITED!!! ive already dont track and basketball itss time 2 try sumtin new for once. this year will be tha first year at my skool 2 hav a girls soccer team, im very excited about it. plus were even havin more clubs coming soon, i mite want 2 join the japanese comic book club that sumone wants 2 start at my skool that souinds lik fun!!! well practice is on september 13 so i'll b fine 4 one week but tha week afta i'll b sore. weel no pain no gain!! ttyl. man that was short!! OH AND NO SKOOL ON MONDAY CUZ ITS LABOR DAY!!!! YAY!!!  XD

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

what a day i had!! :/

ok b4 i tell u about my awesomez evening that turned terrible when i got home. HI EVERYONE!!!! ok now that is done and ova wit let me tell u wat happened. okz i had decided 2 stay afta skool 4 movie club cuz it started 2day plus they were playin my movie, HARRY POTTER!!! THA FIRST ONE!!!! XD i grew up wit harry potter man its lik awesome im waitin 4 tha new
one 2 come out already!! OH AN I DONT CARE IF UR A HARRY POTTER MOVIE HATER!!!! I LIK HARRY POTTERS MOVIES AND THATS THAT!!!! GOT IT!!! ok so anyways we were all havin fun imatating their british ac-sent, laughin at tha retarded parts, and rly just actin a lil gooofy. yeah so 4 once i got 2 hang out we my friends for once since i can barely stay afta skool. last year i use to stay afta skool almost eveeryday and b on time early way b4 class starts 2 hang out wit friends. but now since i hav 2 wait on my moms friend son 2 hurry up of his hour and a half long shower!!! i mean he goes in their starts tha water and doesnt get in until he done wit his conversation on tha phone!! i kno i tak long showas but his is long!!! so yeah i hav 2 wait on my ride 2 get fully ready then we hav 2 go pick up two otha ppl every mornin cuz their his friends and they go 2 skool wit him!! well tha oldest does tha young =est goes 2 tha middle skool up tha street of their skool. im on time lik literally on tim!!! once i get 2 skool i hav lik 3minutes or probably 5minutes b4 class starts!! its just ridiculous!!! so anywaays once movie club was ova my play-big-bro decided 2 hide in one of tha trash bins in tha cafeteria and pretend 2 b tha grouch 4rm sesame street!!! it was funny!!  so when my ride finally came i left tha skool and while in tha car mom was talkin bout how i got a debit card and blah, blah,blah!!! i dont want 2 go into tha conversation rly cuz i just dont wanna. so afta that we went 2 go visit my granny, then i finally came home. an guess wat ? when i wanted 2 tak my shower i culdnt cuz their were ANTS!!!! NOT IN MY SHOWA BUT MY FIRST DRAW WHERE I KEEP MY UNDER-CLOTHES!!! I WAS SO PISSED OFF!!!  i grabbed my boofs and started hittin, afta a gud 10minutes of hittin i got tired and just took all my under-clothes out and stick them in tha dryer!! im thinkin BURN U FUCKIN ANTS!!!! so afta that i spreyed my first draw wit raid but i didnt use that draw anymore. i put all my under-clothes im my last draw where my perfectly clean socks are afta i was done wit my hw!! i put a do not use sign on tha first draw. i rlyhate ants!!! they r tha main insect i hate tha most if even a few lil ants get on me i start itchin then i cant stop!!! i hav lik ant-aphobia or sumtin!! so im nt sleepin under tha covers but on top of them wit my sleepy bag, its very soft on tha inside. i hope i hav sweei dreams :( ttyl everyone 4 now.

Sunday, August 29, 2010


ok afta readin my friend sano-sans blog i decided 2 dedicate this post TO ALL TOMBOYS!!!! i'll giv u all tha reasons of y im a tomboy.
1. i dont lik pink 2 girly 4 me
2. i lovz baggy pants not 2 damn baggy 2 where i sag or anythin
3. i hate skirts that come above my knees (actually i dont lik them at all)
4. i dont lik 2 hang around girls that much (espically tha 2 girly ones cuz they tell me everythin they did wit their bf even though i told them fuckin not 2)
5. i hate make-up and i dont polish my nails unless for clear nail polish or black nail polish
6. i dont complain if i break a nail, i just say shit that hurts then put sumtin on it and move on
7. i dont mind play fight or wateva, but when it gets out of had i get pissed off
8. i lik 2 dress in jeans, a shirt, and tenny shoes (its my main style 4 life)
9. i dont mind if my rooms a mess i clean it when im tired of lookin at tha crap on tha floor
10. i sit lik a boy at skool and at home (i only close my legs when im wearin a dress 4 a special occation
11. i dont lik girly dresses or outfits cuz its fuckin EMBARRISSIN!!! ESPICALLY WHEN PPL TELL ME I LOOK CUTE!!! ESPICALLY BOYS, I KICK THEM!! >:] HEHEHE
ok i think thats gud enough so yeah i lik been a tomboy, my mom has tried more than once 2 change me into a girl, didnt work. she keeps givin me tha speech bout how im a gurl not a damn boy!! but i dont listen, i was raised a tomboy at my grandmas house and im stayin this way. and if i get a bf i will not get all girly and shit then i do all that 4 nu10 and hes just playin wit my emotions and rly doesnt lik me....rly im sayin im not dreesin up girly if i fall in lov wit sumone. if they lik me 4 me i'll b happy if not FUCK YOU!!! so yeah im a tombooy and im proud of i...i dont kno wat way i go...a lot of my friends hav been tellin me since middle skool i was fuckin bi!!! i think i believe them so if i am yay!! if mot that kinda sucks, lol XD ttyl


Tuesday, August 24, 2010


well i didnt think anythin wuld happen at skool, but sumtin did!!! this will blow ur mind wat im bout 2 tell u....I WAS BITTEN!!!!! confused?! course u r i'll explain. this all happened in 3rd period, we were in health class chillin 4 tha time bein. my friend dani kept sayin "leri!!!!" i was lik "wat dani?" she said "im hungry, tak sumtin out 2 snack on". i asked her if she mite want tha sandwich i made 4 her she told me no. i pattted her on tha head and i told her "u can wait till lunch". well guess wat she culdnt...she was clinging 2 my arm then tha next thing i kno...SHE FUCKIN BIT ME!!!!! it hurt lik HELLL!!! LITERALLY!!! i was sittin up their hold my hand, cursin out loud almost, my hand turned red then blue then FUCKIN PURPLE!!!! PURPLE!!! >:[ HER TEETH MARKS WERE SO VISIBLE!!! my friends were lik r u ok?! i was lik HELLZ NO!!!! dani kept tellin me she was sry i told her not 2 touch me!!! i asked my health teacher coach banes (he teaches PE, crosscountry, track, and  maybe soccer) if i culd go wash my hands, he said y?! i told him an animal bit me. he looked at me wit that look of lik yeah rite, he asked me who bit me i said dani. he said y?!!! i told him she said she was hungry. so he told me 2 wait, then he told dani that she was gonna get a detention 4 bitin me. i told him well begged him not 2 cuz i lied and said it didnt hurt that much but it rly hurt!!! so he didnt giv her one, i complained tha whole damn period about my hand and askin 4 ice, in PE i did tha same thing, but at lunch it got worse. when we went 2 our second lunch i told dani i 4gav her i culdnt stay made at her 4eva, then when i showed my play-bro my wound he called dani a dosh 4 doin that 2 me. my friend bella was lik wat tha hell happened 2 u, i told her then she bit me on my arm!!! WTH!!!! I KNO IM BLACK WELL IM RLY CARMEL, BUT IM NOT TASTY!!! I DONT TASTE LIK CANDY DAMN IT!!! then my play-bro tried 2 bit me, i told him no. he wasnt gonna rly do it hes just crazy lik that :) yeah so tha day went by...oh yeah at lunch i kept takin my friend vivs frozen water bottle and restin it on my wounded hand..she kept whinnin bout her bein thirsty. well tha rest of tha day was borrin. it doesnt hurt that much any more but u can still c tha red ring of where she bit me. dont wry i already told them not 2 bit me anymore cuz i didnt want 2 catch anythin 4rm those crazy ppl. well ttyl 4 now. XD

Monday, August 23, 2010


well i got their late on tha first day i kinda already figured that, in every class that went ova tha  SAME DAMN RULES AS LAST YEAR!!!!!  but wat rly cought my surprise was that WE HAV CAMERAS IN MY SKOOL NOW!!!  not everywhere just in a few places. one was in the art room since ppl kept takin things from thier last year, one in tha office, one in tha hall of nations cuz we use 2 act rly bad in their, plus their just being more strict than eva this year!!! we hav 8class periods last year we had 7!!! but since we hav so many DAMN FRESHMAN!!!!! ITS ALL THEIR FAULT WE HAV THREE LUNCHES NOW!!!! i cant even barely c any of my old friends cuz their juniors and seniors!!! they hav first lunch, sophmores hav second lunch, and freshman hav third lunch!!!! tha classes went by sumwat quick 2day, but that always happens on tha first day tha rest of tha year its gonna feel longer.....i just hope i can survivve tha first week of skool!!! i rly tell freshman that but i need 2 tell myself that!!! wish me luck T-T

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Happy Last Day of Summer, NOT!!! :(

ok i had just typed a lot 4 this post but my computer was acttin, im not re-typing it!!!! ok all im gonna say is HAV A GUD FIRST DAY OF SKOOL HIGH SKOOLERS AND COLLEGE STUDENTS ENJOY THA GUD LIFE!!!!! i'll try 32 get on often but it depends on chores, homework, and my mother, ugh! but i'll try 2 keep u updated on wats happenin at skool lik i did when i started bloggin, but i was most bloggin bout my PE class. i guess that just show how much i enjoyed that class. XD ok the pics of me i took wit my webcam man i was havin a lot of fun wit it. tha otha two are of my fav game characters goin 2 skool andd my fav manga. dont u eva wish sumtimes ur life was lik an anime show or a manga u read or watched? i kno i do, CUZ THAT WULD B FREAKIN AWESOMEZ XD!!!! well i'll miss yall, so wish me luck on my first day bak. but rly im gonna b happy 2 c all my crazy friends again. so ttyl 4 now :D

Happy Last Day of Summer, NOT!!! :(

well i wuldnt say im 100 % happy bout skool. cuz u gotta deal wit homework, teachers, otha students, plus detentions. well im gonna be a sophmore this year i just rly hope this year will b as gud as last year. but tha main thing i rly wanna c when i go bak 2 skool is all my friends again their tha ones i missed tha most durin this borin summa of mines. i mean i saw a few durin tha month of june, that made me a lil happy but durin tha rest of my summa i was a lil sad. but when i went 2 tha STEM program durin tha month of july i made new friends and afta we kept in touch. rly im just surprised tha damn summa went by so quick. well i may not be on very often cuz of homework or tha amount of time my mom will giv me 2 get on or im just extremly busy and cant get on. but i'll try 2 get on every so often. WELL EVERYONE IN HIGH SKOOL HAV A WONDERFUL FIRST DAY EVERYONE IN COLLEGE ENJOY THA GUD LIFE!!!!! I LOVZ U ALL MY FOLLOWERS!!!XD
oh yeah i got my hair doone again 4 skool, tell me wat u thtink of it?! XD