Happy i beat my uncle at spades on friday but having a boring weekend -_-

well the only great thing about my weekend was beatin my uncle at spades!!!!! i had to play as my moms partner since her partner wasn't their. we lost 2games by about 200 or so points (the score they were stopping at was 350) i rly hadn't played spades in a while but they said i played good 4 a teenager!!! but once i got to my uncle, we meant business!!!!!!!!! we were so serious that we made my uncle get a negative one!! i laughed my ass off when that happened!!!!!!!!!! we won of course!!!!! hes otha brothers and sisters made fun of him 4 gettin beat by a kid lik me!!!!!!!! i told him "dont forget this defeat, u got that uncle" all he did was laugh and say ok. an well tha rest of my weekend was boring as hell!!!!! now i hav to do homework that i now just remembered about its due tomorrow!!! english!!!! i dont mind homework i do it and get it done, but on the weekend im not doin until i feel lik it. u'll get it Monday but im not doin once u giv it to me for tha weekend im doin it Sunday!!!!! my english teacher is rly tha main one givin us homework on tha weekend, rly tha only teacher!!! oh well, wat a drag!!!! XD

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Techno Party Near the Breeze Way ^_^

today was awesome!!! we watched movies most of the day, didnt rly hav homework, and we had 2 lunch periods!!! ^_^ during my lunch period since i got bored i went to the breeze way and found larry and jenny dancin to random music!!! then i joined, then we invited other ppl at lunch!!! even the seniors danced a lil while goin into tha hall of nations. lolz espically mark, hahahahaha!!!! we had our selves a TECHNO RAVE AT CLUB BREEZE WAY, LOLZ!!! it was a lot of fun, well rly tha best fun we ever had at luch tha whole year!!! hope we do it again 2mmorrow since we hav 2 lunchs again. we cant do tha party friday cuz everyone wont b their we'll hav seperate lunchs, since we are gonna go by tha regular schedule. oh well i had a gud day that counts!!!! oh and we recorded our party, it was crazy!!!!!

Thursday, February 18, 2010


Ok, to me it was a surprise that we were playin flag football. at first i thought it was a joke but he wasnt kiddin! we walked to tha park, i carried tha flags and football, then we split up into teams. of course i hav no experince wit flag football so i go wit tha gud team that includes our coach. i was rly forced into playin i didnt want to cuz i was scared! during tha whole game i did nu10, until tha last throw when i was runnin tryin to get tha ball i slipped in tha mud. m glasses went one way and tha football hit me in my eye at full impact!!!! my eye hurt lik HELLLL!!!! It burned so badly then it felt lik it was gonna pop out of my eye. at first i thought everyone wuld hav yelled at me 4 missin tha ball or told me i suck at catchin and thats wat i get, but they didnt! they helped me out, they were worried about me. i got my glasses bak not broken and well i set out we they wanted to play a lil long. then when it was time to go my coach told me i played well until that incedent, i was happy and thinkin he wanted to laugh about it. but i was happy i tryed, then he told me we were playin tommorrow T-T

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Got my 1st pair of converse and update of last wk :)

Yayz my mom took me to almeda yesterday and got my some converse i was so happy. i wore them to skool today, i kept tellin everyone to look at my new shoes. ^_^ ok for last wk lets see 2/10/2010: my friend nicco tryed to do a high kick and hit me but missed and fell on tha floor laughin, lolz 2/11/2010: we had a blood drive at my skool and my friend Matthew t. didn't eat afta he gav blood an all he seen was blue it was funny, we had to help him to tha cafeteria so he culd get some food. 2/12/2012: well at my skool a certain person culd buy a rose, card and balloon, candy, or wateva to giv 2 a person rite. tha dancers were sellin them so they sent to tha person that tha person payin 4 it to them. and they cant spell anonymous rite. they were missin lik 3 to 4 letters. i got a rose from someone that may lik me or just felt lik bein nice, i rly wanted to thank them but i dont kno who it is. oh well, i'll find out sooner or lata just hav 2 wait and c oh and i kicked out of my room 2nites in a row at 3am in tha mornin then had to get up at 6am to go somewhere T-T

Tuesday, February 9, 2010


well im happy today becuz at P.E. my team finally won a soccer game, it was 3 to 3 until we got the winning goal before we had 2 go inside to change classes. i kno we culd hav gottin more points but we kept kickin the ball to high, kickin it out of bounds, and kept crowdin around one anotha lik crazy 4 tha ball. yesterday was the first time i played soccer in PE it was fun its just that i kept gettin time out! Coach said we played lik a bunch of lil kids! Coach said if u kick it to high or hit someone u get 2-3minutes out. and if u kick it to high or touch wit ur hands u get 5minutes out. i was tha main one gettin out! tha first time i accidentally hit my friend in his jewels then i hit my teacher rly hard in tha face wit tha ball, he had a red spot on tha side of his face, OUCH! but im just happy we won 2day! YAYZ!!! :)